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For growing instructions and seed specs, see CULTIVATION below

(Plant heights are given at maturity)

Allium porum - Full sun; plant height 18-36in.
Allium porum Leek plant seeds

Giant Musselburgh
(American Flag, Scotch Flag) 80-120 days -  Introduced in 1834, this Scottish heirloom has thick stalks and mild flavor.  9-15 inch stalks are mild and sturdy.  Overwinters well.
#540  Packet  $3.50,  Approximately 100 seeds
#B1z-540    Bulk seed   1oz  $10.00
#B4z-540    Bulk seed   4oz  $20.50
#B1-540    Bulk seed   1 lb  $48.50
#P50-540    50 plants    $20.00  

King Richard 75 days - Super early variety 12" long with bright green leaves. Mild. Not for overwintering.
#12362  Packet  $3.50,  Approximately 100 seeds
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#Bm-12362    Bulk seed   1000 seeds  $15.00
#P50-12362    50 plants    $20.00  

Scotland leeks  Scotland (60 days) This rare heirloom was maintained for generations by a single Scottish family. Hairy and shortshanked, it has a wonderful mild flavor. Overwinters very well.
#253  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
type="hidden"> "253" type="hidden">

Winter Giant (90 days) Another rare heirloom variety prized for its hardiness and overwintering potential. Stocky plants produce dependably.
#254  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds


Belonging to the Onion family, Liliaceae, leeks are a milder tasting version, resembling a very large green onion in appearance with a long straight bulb.  Leek are, as a rule, very hardy plants and can withstand extremely cold temperatures.   The plants prefer a deeply dug rich in humus or compost and are singularly free from pests and disease. 

Leeks are propagated by sowing seed, either directly into the garden, or by growing  transplantsFOR TRANPLANTS, sow seed in deep pots or trays, planting 1 seed every 2 inches both ways at a depth of 1/2 inch.   Keep moist at 70F   Transplant outdoors when seedlings are about 8 inches tall.  Space seedlings 4-6 inches apart in rows 18-24" apart and plant them about 6 inches deep. 'Puddle' the seedlings by filling in the hole with water before covering the plants.  Cultivate to keep weeds down.  FOR DIRECT SOWING, sow 1 seed every 3 inches at a depth of 1/2 inch in rows 18-24 inches apart.  Thin the plants to 1 every 6 inches.  TO BLANCH THE PLANTS:  To elongate the blanched ends of the stem, mound dirt around the plant throughout its growth cycle.

Medicinally, leeks are  used in much the same manner as garlic, though leeks are  not as potent.  Leeks contain antibiotic and antifungal properties and are used to treat bee stings.  Leeks are beneficial for the heart and as a protection against cancers.

HARVEST:  Leeks may be dug at any time

SEED SPECS:  Average 10000 seeds/oz,  1000 seeds per 165ft., 105,000 seeds/acre at 6 seeds/ft with rows 30inches apart



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