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GARLIC    Bulbs and Dried Herb

(Plant heights are given at maturity)

 White German - White bulbs have tight wrappers and have a moderately spicy taste.  A good choice for storage.  Average 6-8 bulbs per pound with 7-10 cloves per bulb.
#1087F   1 pound Bulk Bulbs  $19.70
#B5-1087   5 pounds Bulk Bulbs  $73.50
#B10-1087   10 pounds Bulk Bulbs  $99.50
#P30-1087   Bundle of approximately 30 live plant plugs    $ 4.95

Chesnok Red - This variety from Georgia (the country, not the US state) has maroon striped skins and a medium hot flavor that remains after baking.   Average 6-8 bulbs per pound with 9-11 cloves per bulb.  (C. Red is shipped in Fall only)
#1086F   1 pound Bulk Bulbs $34.95

Live Garlic Plant Plugs White German


Late Italian - One of the most popular for braiding and for winter keeping (stores up to 9 months after harvest).  Average 5-6 bulbs per pound with 18-22 cloves per bulb. (Late Italian is shipped in Fall only) 
#1088F   1 pound  $34.95
#B5-1088    5 pounds   $145.00

Inchelium Red - Mild flavored garlic bakes well and stores for up to 9 months after harvest.  Average 6-8 bulbs per pound with 9-18 cloves per bulb.  (Inchelium Red is shipped in Fall only)
#1089F   1 pound  $39.30

Extra large garlic closely related to leeks, has a mild flavor and softball-sized bulbs.  Plants can reach 4-5ft. in height.  Average 1-2 bulbs per pound with 5-7 cloves per bulb.
#1090F    1 pound   $34.95

#B1lb-1087F    Garlic flakes     1lb  $38.00
#B1lb-1087GR      Garlic, granulated   1lb     $38.00
#B1lb-1087G       Garlic powder     1lb       $38.00
#B1lb-1087SB     Garlic salt           1lb      $37.00

Allium sativum
              garlic plant bulbs

Garlic is a hardy bulbous plant with narrow, grasslike leaves like its relative, the onion.  It is a member of the Lly family, Liliaceae. All parts of the plant have a strong odor and taste.  Bulbs are composed of about 10-12 cloves enclosed in a papery skin which can vary in color from white to purple.  Both leaves and bulbs are edible and are favorite ingredients in many foods. 

There are almost as many varieties of garlic as geographic locations, but these are all placed in two basic categories:  hardneck and softneckHardneck garlic has a stiff central woody stem and peels easily.  The flavor is usually fairly mild and the cloves store for 6-8 months.  These are the best types for cooler climates as they tend to be more cold hardy than softneck varietiesSoftneck, or braiding garlics do not produce a flower spike and are more productive than the hardneck types.  They tend to have a stronger flavor and keep far longer (up to a year).  Easy to grow and nearly carefree, garlic thrives in almost any soil, but is especially fond of rich, deeply cultivated soil.

Propagation is by planting cloves or by division.  Garlic can be planted in both spring and autumn, but it tends to produce better and earlier if planted in the fall and allowed to overwinter.  The area chosen for planting should be dug and generous amounts of humus, compost or leaf mold should be worked into the soil.  Separate the bulbs and plant 1 clove every 8-12 inches in rows 12 -18 inches apart.  Cover the cloves to a depth of 1 inch.  During the season, as the plants grow, make certain to keep weeds down by cultivating shallowly or applying mulch.  Side dressings of compost can be added in the middle of the growing cycle.

The use of garlic for medicinal and culinary purposes is nearly as old a civilization.  All parts of the plant contain strong anti-biotic and anti-fungal porperties.  Ancient Roman soldiers ate cloves of garlic before a battle to boost their immune systems against infection.  Garlic poultices were used to treat wounds and fungal infections. Garlic teas (or fresh garlic cloves chewed) were used to treat toothache and kidney and bladder infections.  In modern times, it is used to treat the circulatroy system and to protect against heart attack.

HARVEST:  Pick a time when the weather will be dry and sunny for a few days.  Pull garlic bulbs when the leaves turn yellow and fall over.  Remove the leaves by cutting them off at the top of the bulb, (if you plan to braid the leaves or bunch and hang, leave the leaves on the bulb) then allow them to dry thoroughly .  Store them in a cool dry place.



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