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(Plant heights are given at maturity)

Mockernut White Hickory tree Carya tomentosa  Mockernut Hickory (White hickoryCarya tomentosa - Deciduous tree with grey ridged bark and slightly hairy twigs native to the eastern half of the US.   The trees produce thick shelled edible nuts that are an excellent wildlife food.  Hardy to -30F (-34.4C);  height: 60ft.
#1718  Packet  $5.50   Approximately 15 seeds

Shagbark Hickory tree Carya ovata  Shagbark Hickory - Carya ovata - Tall, fast growing tree having large pinnate leaves and bearing delicious nuts.  The hard grey-brown bark peels in strips and the shells of the fruits are thinner than the shellbark type.  Does well in almost any soil.   Hardy to -30F (-34.4C); height: 100ft.
#930  Packet  $5.50   Approximately 15 seeds
#P930    18-24inch tree  $24.95
#P3-930  (18-24inch trees)    Three trees for $33.99

Shellbark Hickory (Kingnut Hickory) - Carya laciniosa -  The fruits of this variety are longer and have an excellent flavor, but the shells are a bit harder than the Shagbark.  Pretty in the spring when it blooms.  Grows quickly.  Hardy to -30F (-34.4C); height: 100ft.
#931  Packet  $5.50,  Approximately 15 seeds
#P931    2-3ft. tree  $34.95
#P4-931    (2-3ft. trees)  Four trees for $50.95

Water Hickory tree Carya aquatica  Water Hickory - Carya aquatica - Deciduous tree with light brown ridged bark native to the southeastern US, found usually around creeks or streams.  Produces small edible hard shelled nuts.  Good for wildlife food.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C); height: 60ft.
#1712  Packet  $6.50   Approximately 15 seeds

The seed coat of some seeds are tough and must be penetrated by scarification involving the breaking, scratching or softening of the seed coat to allow moisture to penetrate. Natural scarification occurs as the seed is exposed to freezing and thawing temperatures or microbial activities that modify the seed coat during the winter. Scarification can also occur as seeds pass through the digestive tract of birds or other animals and can also naturally occur by fire.  Natural scarification is what we aim to achieve by fall planting. Some hard seeds can take more than one year to emerge naturally, and achieve low propagation rates naturally. Methods of artificial scarification include: MECHANICAL, HOT WATER, and ACID.


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