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(Plant heights are given at maturity)

  Fig Marigold, Ice Plant  (segregate of: (see also:) Mesembryanthemum)

A group of tender succlulent plants, native to south Africa primarily, members of the family Aizoaceae.  The plants vary in habit with some varieties being semi woody and others matted groundcovers.  The blooms of all are daisy like in appearance measuring from 1/2 inch to 2 inches in diameter in red, pink, purple, yellow, magenta or white and are composed of narrow petals and stamens.  The plants may be grown in cooler climates in a greenhouse or as annuals out of doors.

Delosperma thrives in a dry well drained rather alkaline soil, the best being two parts of sandy loam to one part crushed brick or limestone.  They make excellent covers for rocky banks or hillsides and are good candidates for the rock garden.  They are also a good choice for xeriscaping as they are drought tolerant.

Plants may be easily propagated by division of existing plants in spring, by cuttings, or by sowimg seed.  Seed should be sown in pots or trays and kep relatively moist at about 68-75F.  Seedlings should be transplanted to larger containers when they reach about 2 inches in height.  Plant outdoors when all dnager of frost has passed.

Delospermas have been used as a snuff subtitute.

Hardy to -20F(-28.8C)  

  delosperma congestum yellow ice seed plant  Yellow Star - Delosperma congestum - Drought tolerant low growing plants form a carpet of yellow daisy like blooms.  Long blooming. Height: 4" inches  Spread: 24"

#5847   Packet   $5.50   Approximately 50 seeds
#Bm-5847   Bulk seed   $95.50   Approximately 1000 seeds

delosperma cooperii red star seed plant  Red Star -  Delosperma cooperii -  Ground hugging mat of bright carmine red blooms.  Excellent and showy ground cover.
Height: 4 inches   Spread: 18 inches
#5848   Packet   $5.50   Approximately 50 seeds
#Bm-5848   Bulk seed   $17.50   Approximately 1000 seeds


delosperma floribunda magenta ice seed plant  Magenta Ice -Delosperma floribunda -  Drought & heat tolerant plants form a mat of bright magenta blooms all summer long.   Height: 6 inches   Spread: 24 inches
#5849   Packet   $3.50   Approximately 50 seeds
#Bm-5849   Bulk seed   $10.50   Approximately 1000 seeds

delosperma sutherlandii yellow eye ice plant seed  Yellow Eye - Delosperma sutherlandi - Pink blooms with a yellow center.  God for rock gardens.  Height: 6 inches  Spread: 24 inches
#5850   Packet   $6.50   Approximately 50 seeds
#Bm-5850   Bulk seed   $98.50   Approximately 1000 seeds


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