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(Plant heights are given at maturity)

Sweet Woodruff, Wild Baby's Breath, Master of the Woodland

A low growing herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the Rubiaceae family.  Strongly scented, they are loved by bees and butterflies and are excellent plants for the perennial bed or rock garden.  The scent remains when the plant is dried, making it useful in potpourri.  An added benefit in many areas is that deer do not like it and will leave it alone.

Galium thrives in a rich, well drained laomy soil in a shady location.  They are easily propagated by means of division or sowing seed.  Seed should be sown in pots or trays in spring, then the seedlings set out in the garden when all danger of frost has passed.  Spacing should be 9-12 inches each way. 

Galiums strong scent is due to the presence of coumarin, a fragrant chemical found in many plants with the scent of vanilla and fresh hay.  The leaves are crushed and added to drinks, such as Maybowl, a German punch.  The leaves are also ground and added to sausage, jams and jellies. 

Medicinally, Galium has been used to treat wounds, and to treat digestive problems, insomnia, tension, and hepatitis and are used to treat migraine and stomach pain.  Coumarin has a blood thinning action, so caution should be used by those already taking blood thinning drugs.  The leaves are also dried and used to brew a mildly sedative tea.

Sweet Woodruff Galium odoratum Waldmeister  Sweet Woodruff (Waldmeister) Galium odoratum (syn. Asperula odorata)  -   Creeping perennial with angled stems and whorled vanilla-scented leaves.   Partial shade to Full shade; height: 12in.
#1337    Packet   $4.50   Approximately 30 seeds
#Lg1337  Large Packet   $17.50   Approximately 500 seeds


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