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(Plant heights are given at maturity)

A wildflower patch is the perfect way to ensure a beautiful crop of spring and summer blooms, and to provide food and shelter for wildlife.

To establish a wildflower patch, pick an area that matches the type of flowers you want to plant. (If the flowers you want grow naturally in a sunny, dry area, don't pick a damp spot next to a pond to plant them. Your results won't be very good.) Rule of thumb is to pick an area that has good drainage and receives at least 8 hours of sunlight each day.  Also, don't choose a site in which clover or another winter ground cover is planted, as these plants will choke out the wildflowers.

To prepare the site, mow the existing vegetation as short as possible, and remove the mowed vegetation from the site. Scratch the surface or till to 1 inch deep.  This will be deep enough for the flower seeds, but shallow enough not to 'stir up' the weed seeds.  Also, make certain that you have enough seed to cover the area you have prepared. Using too little seed will give a sparse look to the planting and too much will cause overcrowding.  Recommended seeding rates are given in the plant descriptions below.

Some wildflower seeds resemble dust - too tiny to handle efficiently, so to allow a more even distribution, mix 1 part seed with 3 or 4 parts of sand, potting soil, perlite, peat or some other coarser substance. To sow, walk in one direction over your patch, broadcasting 1/2 of the seed or seed mix. Then walk in a direction perpendicular to the initial sowing, broadcasting the other half of the seed. Don't cover the seed, as the light will help to germinate, just press them seed into the soil by walking over or rolling over them.  If planting deeper than 1/16 inch is recommended, it will be noted in the plant description below.  Make sure that the seeds receive adequate moisture and do not dry out excessively during germination.  If possible, keep them sprinkled lightly until the seedlings emerge. Once established, if you picked flower types that conform to the soil, water and light in your chosen area, you should not need to water, except possibly under abnormal conditions.

In the fall when all or most of the blooms have faded and died back, mow the area to a height of 4-6 inches.  Mowing lower may damage some wildflowers.  Mow over the area a couple of times to thoroughly cut up the stems and leaves. This may seem a harsh treatment, but mowing allows for a more complete dispersal of seeds, so that your wildflower patch will be all the prettier next season. It also gets rid of unwanted grasses and weeds and allows the sunlight to penetrate to lower growing plants, allowing them to grow more efficiently and to allow the wildflower seeds to establish themselves next season.

The common conception is that all one has to do is throw wildflower seeds on the ground and a beautiful garden will spring up without a care, but keep in mind that wildlfowers, like all other plants, have their own peculiarities.  Some can indeed grow perfectly well when tossed carelessly on the ground, but others are picky and require very specific soil and water requirements.  That's why it's so important to match the flower you choose with your climate and soil type and to choose your site and prepare it well.. Even then, some are downright hard to grow and may have to be started in trays or flats and transplanted to their final home.  We have indicated below the ease of growing each variety, but don't allow a rating of 'difficult' to deter you from trying a variety that you really want.  Generally, once these plants have become established, they provide no problems at all and multiply with ease.

With proper planning and care, your wildflowers will provide years of natural beauty and a haven for bees, butterflies and other creatures.

E = Easy; Germinates readily, established itself with ease, and is low maintenance
M = Fairly easy; Germination rate is somewhat lower.  May be more difficult to establish
D = Difficult;  Germination may be low or sporadic.  Plants may need to be started under controlled conditions, then transplanted

  Farewell to Spring- Clarkia pulchella - Annual; Excellent border flower . Wiry slender stems bear double flowers in shades from white to deep rose. Good cottage garden plant. Originally a wildflower listed by the Lewis and Clark expedition, 1804-1806, and named after Clark. It's a lovely addition to a garden. Sow in spring.  Full sun or partial shade; plant height 24in.  Seeding rate: 2lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: M     Avg. seeds per lb = 1,700,000
#107  Packet $8.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"107" type="hidden">
#B4z-107   Bulk Seed    4oz   $32.59
"B4z-107" type="hidden">
#B1-107   Bulk Seed   1 lb   $64.95
"B1-107" type="hidden">

  Mountain Garland - Clarkia unguiculata - Annual;  Spikes of pastel blooms on purple stems.  Bloom colors are shades of pink, salmon, white, and purple.  Prefers well drained soil.  Full sun; height: 2-3ft.  Seeding rate: 2lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E   Avg. seeds per lb= 1,500,000
#2502  Packet $8.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"2502" type="hidden">
#B4z-2502  Bulk Seed    4oz   $32.59
"B4z-2502" type="hidden">
#B1-2502  Bulk Seed   1 lb   $64.95
"B1-2502" type="hidden">

  Red Plains Coreopsis - Coreopsis tinctoria - Annual;  easily grown from seed, this wildflower variety thrives in a variety of soils and conditions, including damp areas.  Blooms are mahogany in color and are borne in profusion.  The plant is ideal for mass plantings or wildflower areas.  Sow in spring, summer or fall.  Hardy to -40F (-40C);  Full sun; plant height: 12-24in.  Seeding rate: 2lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E     Avg. seeds per lb= 1,400,000
#1388  Packet $5.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"1388" type="hidden">
#B1-1388  Bulk Seed   1 lb   $59.99
"B1-1388" type="hidden">

  Tickseed (Lanceleaf Coreopsis)  Coreopsis lanceolata - Perennial; This is the wildflower variety whose bright yellow single blooms on 3ft. stems lend an airy beauty to any garden or hillside.  Does well even in hot dry summers.  Sow in spring or fall. Hardy to -40F (-40C);   Full sun; plant height: 36in. Seeding rate: 2lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 221,000
#388  Packet $4.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"388" type="hidden">
#B4z-388  Bulk Seed    4oz  $19.99
"B4z-388" type="hidden">
#B1-388  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $35.99
"B1-388" type="hidden">

  Tinctoria  (Plains Coreopsis) Coreopsis tinctoria - Perennial;  Tall plants bear a profusion of bright yellow single blooms with red centers.  Foliage is lacy and fernlike.  Beautiful cottage garden addition.  Sow in spring or fall.  Hardy to -40F (-40C);  Full sun or partial shade;  plant height: 48in. Seeding rate: 2lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 1,400,000
#389  Packet $4.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"389" type="hidden">
#B4z-389  Bulk Seed    4oz  $19.99
"B4z-389" type="hidden">
#B1-389  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $39.99
"B1-389" type="hidden">

  Bright Lights Orange - Cosmos sulphureus -  Annual, reseeds freely;  2-1/2in. semi-double blooms of bright orange brighten any summer garden or meadow.  Sow in spring.  Full sun;  plant height: 36-48in. Seeding rate: 15lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 90,000
#391  Packet $3.50   Approximately 200 seeds
"391" type="hidden">
#B1-391  Bulk Seed   1 lb   $50.95
"B1-391" type="hidden">

Psyche White - Cosmos bipinnatus - Annual, reseeds freely;  Huge 4in. double white blooms.  Sow in spring. Full sun;  plant height: 54in. Seeding rate: 15lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E     Avg. seeds per lb= 90,000
#392  Packet $6.50   Approximately 200 seeds
"392" type="hidden">
#B1-392  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $70.95
"B1-392" type="hidden">

  Seashells Mix - Cosmos bipinnatus - Annual, reseeds freely;  Rolled petals in shades of red, pink and white with yellow eyes. Sow in spring.   Full sun;  plant height: 36-40in.   Seeding rate: 15lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E     Avg. seeds per lb= 90,000
#393  Packet $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"393" type="hidden">
#B1-393   Bulk Seed   1 lb   $70.95
"B1-393" type="hidden">

  Sensation  Mix- Cosmos bipinnatus  - Annual, reseeds freely - First introduced to English gardens in the mid-1800s from Mexico, Cosmos gives an eye-catching touch to a summer garden.  This variety has tall, feathery plants producing 3in. flowers in shades from white to crimson with a yellow eye. Sow in spring.  Full sun or partial shade; plant height: 48-60in. Seeding rate: 15lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E     Avg. seeds per lb= 90,000
#109  Packet $4.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"109" type="hidden">
#B1-109   Bulk Seed   1 lb   $50.95
"B1-109" type="hidden">

  Blue Flax - Linum lewisii - Perennial;  Pretty plant native to California, but now adapted all over the US.  Bright blue five-petaled flowers last only one day, but there are so many of them that the show is not interrupted all summer.  Prefers dry areas with full sun.  Hardy to -40F (-40C);  Full sun; plant height: 24in.  Seeding rate: 8lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: M    Avg. seeds per lb= 293,000
#2500  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 200 seeds
"2500" type="hidden">
#Bz-2500  Bulk Seed   1oz  $11.39
"Bz-2500" type="hidden">
#B4z-2500  Bulk Seed    4oz  $22.49
"B4z-2500" type="hidden">
#B1-2500  Bulk Seed   1 lb   $42.99
"B1-2500" type="hidden">

  Scarlet Flax - Linum rubrum - Perennial;  This wildflower, originally found in Europe and North Africa, has aclimated itself to most of the United States.  It is the perfect survivor, tolerating extreme heat and drought.  Very pretty in mass plantings or in wildflower areas.  Sow in spring after danger of frost is past.  Hardy to -40F (-40C);  Full sun; plant height: 1-2ft.  Seeding rate: 8lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 122,000
#2441  Packet $3.50   Approximately 200 seeds
"2441" type="hidden">
#Bz-2441   Bulk Seed   1oz   $9.90
"Bz-2441" type="hidden">
#B4z-2441  Bulk Seed    4oz   $18.49
"B4z-2441" type="hidden">
#B1-2441   Bulk Seed   1 lb   $36.99
"B1-2441" type="hidden">

  Indian blanket flower - Galliardia aristata - Perennial; Bright daisy-like blooms with red and yellow rings.  Heat and drought tolerant.  Sow in fall or early spring.  Hardy to -40F (-40C);  Full sun; plant height: 1-1/2 to 2ft.  Seeding rate: 10lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 132,000
#2499   Packet $5.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"2499" type="hidden">
#B4z-2499  Bulk Seed    4oz   $37.89
"B4z-2499" type="hidden">
#B1-2499  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $64.89
"B1-2499" type="hidden">

  Liatris, Purple  (Gayfeather) - Liatris spicata - Perennial - Medicinal - Reseeds freely. Strong spikes of deep purple flowers rise above tufts of grass-like foliage. The roots are sometimes used to brew a tea used to treat kidney diseases and sore throats. Prefers a moist well drained soil.  Sow in spring.  Hardy to -40F (-40C);  Full sun; plant height: 18-36in. Seeding rate: 10lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: M    Avg. seeds per lb= 138,000
#178   Packet $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"178" type="hidden">
#Bz-178  Bulk Seed   1oz  $10.89
"Bz-178" type="hidden">
#B4z-178  Bulk Seed    4oz  $26.95
"B4z-178" type="hidden">
#B1-178  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $75.70
"B1-178" type="hidden">

  Alamo Fire Lupine (Maroon Bluebonnet) - Lupinus texensis - Perennial;  A unique variety of bluebonnet, this pretty plant has maroon and white petals on 2ft. plants.  The original plant was found growing near San Antonio, Texas. Like most wild lupines, this variety prefers a light sandy soil and does not tolerate heavy clay soils with poor drainage.  Seeds in these soils will germinate, but will not fully develop.  Does best when planted on a slight slope.  Hardy to 10F (-17.7C);  Full sun or partial shade; plant height: 18-24in.  Seeding rate: 35lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: D    Avg. seeds per lb= 13,500
#2445   Packet   $3.50   Approximately 30 seeds
"2445" type="hidden">
#Bz-2445  Bulk Seed   1oz  $24.95
"Bz-2445" type="hidden">
#B4z-2445  Bulk Seed    4oz  $51.85
"B4z-2445" type="hidden">
#B1-2445  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $158.59
"B1-2445" type="hidden">

  Arroyo Lupine - Lupinus succulentus - Perennial or biennial  - Native to California and the western US coast, this variety has upright spikes with purple blooms.  Prefers a moist clay or heavy soil in full sun.  Can be difficult to establish, but is well worth the effort. Hardy to 10F (-17.7C);  Full sun; plant height 12-18in. Seeding rate: 35lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: D    Avg. seeds per lb= 15,500
#2492  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 200 seeds
"2492" type="hidden">
#Bz-2492  Bulk Seed   1oz  $10.59
"Bz-2492" type="hidden">
#B4z-2492  Bulk Seed    4oz  $19.99
"B4z-2492" type="hidden">
#B1-2492  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $36.99
"B1-2492" type="hidden">

  Texas Bluebonnet - Lupinus texensis - Perennial or biennial  (zones 5 and north, mulch heavily in winter)- Found along the roadsides in Texas, this lovely little wildflower is the state flower. Small palmate leaves and deep blue flower spikes in the spring make a lovely show when planted in groups. Does best in light, sandy soils - hates heavy clay soils. Hardy to -10F (-23.3C); Full sun; plant height 12-18in. Seeding rate: 35lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: M    Avg. seeds per lb= 13,500
#125  Packet $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"125" type="hidden">
#Bz-125  Bulk Seed   1oz  $15.00
"Bz-125" type="hidden">
#B4z-125  Bulk Seed    4oz  $27.35
"B4z-125" type="hidden">
#B1-125  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $54.95
"B1-125" type="hidden">

Marshmallow -  OP - Althaea Officinalis - Bushy upright plant, white flowers tinged with pink. Hardy to -30F (-34.4C)   Full sun / Partial shade;     Height: 4 ft.    Difficulty rating: E
#4099  Packet $4.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"4099" type="hidden">
#Lp-4099  Large packet    approximately 2,000 Seeds   $19.50
"Lp-4099" type="hidden">

  Lemon Bergamot (Lemon mint, Purple horsemint) Monarda citriodora - Perennial - Culinary, Medicinal -  Blooms are pink and purple.  Native to the southern US.  Sow in spring. Hardy to -40F (-40C);  Full sun; plant height: 3-4ft.   Seeding rate: 3lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E     Avg. seeds per lb= 819,000
#493   Packet $3.50   Approximately 50 seeds
"493" type="hidden">
#Bz-493  Bulk Seed   1oz  $11.65
"Bz-493" type="hidden">
#B4z-493  Bulk Seed    4oz  $19.50
"B4z-493" type="hidden">
#B1-493  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $35.99
"B1-493" type="hidden">

Baby Blue Eyes - Nemophilia insignis - Annual; Native california wildflower easily grown from seed.  Delicate sky blue, cup shaped blooms appear throughout the spring.  Requires light sandy soil with moderate amount of water.  Full sun to partial shade; plant height: 12in.   Seeding rate: 8lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E     Avg. seeds per lb= 258,000
#2446  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 200 seeds
"2446" type="hidden">
#Bz-2446  Bulk Seed   1oz  $8.79
"Bz-2446" type="hidden">
#B4z-2446  Bulk Seed    4oz  $14.99
"B4z-2446" type="hidden">
#B1-2446  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $35.99
"B1-2446" type="hidden">

  Five Spot  - Nemophilia maculata - Annual; A native California wildflower with 1in. white blooms with purple spots at the tip of each petal.  Best sown where it is to grow, as it does not like to be transplanted. Full sun to partial shade; plant height: 12in.  Seeding rate: 15lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E     Avg. seeds per lb= 87,000
#1389  Packet $3.50   Approximately 75 seeds
"1389" type="hidden">
#Bz-1389  Bulk Seed   1oz  $9.39
"Bz-1389" type="hidden">
#B4z-1389  Bulk Seed    4oz  $16.29
"B4z-1389" type="hidden">
#B1-1389  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $41.39
"B1-1389" type="hidden">

Corn Poppy Mix (Papaver rhoeas) Annual-  This European native has become naturalized all over the US.  3-4inch blooms in pink, red, white, yellow, orange and pink with small foliage that allows the blooms an optimum show.  Prefers a well-drained soil.  Sow in late fall for best spring showing.  Full sun,Partial shade; height:  24-30in.  Seeding rate: 2lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E     Avg. seeds per lb= 13,500
#2444  Packet $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"2444" type="hidden">
#Bz-2444  Bulk Seed   1oz  $8.79
"Bz-2444" type="hidden">
#B4z-2444  Bulk Seed    4oz  $15.99
"B4z-2444" type="hidden">
#B1-2444  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $39.99
"B1-2444" type="hidden">

  Red Corn Poppy (Flanders Poppy) Papaver rhoeas - Annual-  This European native has become naturalized all over the US.  3-4inch deep red blooms with purple-black centers.  Prefers a well-drained soil.  Sow in late fall for best spring showing.  Full sun, Partial shade; height:  24-30in.  Seeding rate: 2lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 13,500
#2494  Packet $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"2494" type="hidden">
#Bz-2494  Bulk Seed   1oz  $8.79
"Bz-2494" type="hidden">
#B4z-2494  Bulk Seed    4oz  $15.99
"B4z-2494" type="hidden">
#B1-2494  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $39.99
"B1-2494" type="hidden">

  California Poppy - Eschscholzia californica - Upright annual or tender perennial is a California native and the state flower.  Brilliant orange single blooms close in the evening or sometimes on cloudy days.  Plants are uniform and productive and drought tolerant.   Full sun; height: 18inches.
#3342  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
"3342" type="hidden">
#Bz-3342  Bulk Seed   1oz  $6.39
"Bz-3342" type="hidden">
#B4z-3342  Bulk Seed    4oz  $12.99
"B4z-3342" type="hidden">
#B1-3342  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $32.19
"B1-3342" type="hidden">

Poppy Mallows
  Wine Cup (Callirhoe involucrata)  Hardy , drought tolerant wildflower native to Texas and the south central US.  A member of the mallow family, winecups spread via trailing stems that eventually form a ground cover.  They have malva-like dark purple or magenta blooms that close in the evening.  The plant will bloom in the spring, then go dormant in the summer heat, then, in autumn, it will bloom again.  Prefers sandy or rocky soils and makes a good rock garden plant.  Sow in spring or fall.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C); Full sun; height: 18in. (trailing vine)  Seeding rate: 5lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 82,000
#1392  Packet $4.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"1392" type="hidden">
#Bz-1392  Bulk Seed   1oz  $58.50
"Bz-1392" type="hidden">

  Tall Poppy Mallow (Palmleaf Poppymallow) Callirhoe leiocarpa - Upright, drought tolerant annual with dark purple to wine-red blooms which open during the day and close at night, remaining closed permanently after pollination.  Native to Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas.  Roots are edible and taste rather like a parsnip.  Prefers a light sandy loam in full sun.  Full sun; height: 3ft.
#3918  Packet $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"3918" type="hidden">
#Bz-3918  Bulk Seed   1oz  $8.99
"Bz-3918" type="hidden">
#B4z-3918  Bulk Seed    4oz  $12.59
"B4z-3918" type="hidden">
#B1-3918  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $32.49
"B1-3918" type="hidden">

Evening Primrose - Oenothera biennis - Biennial, reseeds freely; 4-6ft. tall stems with 6-8in. long narrow leaves and bright yellow 3in. flowers. Both leaves and flowers are edible and the roots have been used to treat skin ailments, asthma and migraines.  Sow spring, summer or fall.  Hardy to -40F (-40C);  Full sun or partial shade; height: 4-6ft. Seeding rate: 3lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 865,000
#132  Packet $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"132" type="hidden">
#Bz-132  Bulk Seed   1oz  $6.59
"Bz-132" type="hidden">
#B4z-132  Bulk Seed    4oz  $11.17
"B4z-132" type="hidden">
#B1-132  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $26.00
"B1-132" type="hidden">

Missouri Primrose - Oenothera missouriensis - Perennial;  Native wildflower from Texas to Missouri with bright lemon yellow cup shaped blooms that remain for several days.  Magnificent in a mass planting and an excellent border plant.  Prefers a well drained soil.  Hardy to -40F (-40C);  Full sun; height: 6-14in.  Seeding rate: 5lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: M    Avg. seeds per lb= 80,000
#1283  Packet $4.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"1283" type="hidden">
#Bz-1283  Bulk Seed   1oz  $16.50
"Bz-1283" type="hidden">
#B4z-1283  Bulk Seed    4oz  $39.99
"B4z-1283" type="hidden">
#B1-1283  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $106.59
"B1-1283" type="hidden">

  Showy Primrose - Oenothera speciosa - Perennial; Hardy native of the southeastern US with 4-petaled baby pink blooms with a white center.  Flowers open in the morning and last 1 day.  Lovely in mass plantings. Blooms second year from seed.  Sow in spring or summer.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C).  Full sun; height: 16in.  Seeding rate: 2lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: M    Avg. seeds per lb= 3,280,000
#2446  Packet $4.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"2446" type="hidden">
#Bz-2446  Bulk Seed   1oz  $17.79
"Bz-2446" type="hidden">
#B4z-2446  Bulk Seed    4oz  $41.89
"B4z-2446" type="hidden">
#B1-2446  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $123.50
"B1-2446" type="hidden">

Sage (Salvia)
  Mealy Blue Sage - Salvia larinacea - Annual - Hardy upright annual Texas native.  Prefers sandy or gravelly soil in full sun.  Tolerates drought and blooms all summer long.  Full sun; height: 1-2ft.  Seeding rate: 8lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 368,000
#1390  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
"1390" type="hidden">
#Bz-1390  Bulk Seed   1oz  $16.99
"Bz-1390" type="hidden">
#B4z-1390  Bulk Seed    4oz  $45.99
"B4z-1390" type="hidden">
#B1-1390  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $137.99
"B1-1390" type="hidden">

Texas Hummingbird Sage (Scarlet Sage)  Salvia coccinea - Annual or Tender Perennial , reseeds freely;  Spikes of bright red flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies.  This variety prefers a light sandy soil kept relatively dry.  Sow in spring.  Hardy to -10F (-23.3C);   Full sun;  plant height: 24in.  80 days   Seeding rate: 8lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 276,000
#458  Packet $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"458" type="hidden">
#Bz-458  Bulk Seed   1oz  $12.99
"Bz-458" type="hidden">
#B4z-458  Bulk Seed    4oz  $29.99
"B4z-458" type="hidden">
#B1-458  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $77.99
"B1-458" type="hidden">

Black Russian - OP -  Large 15-18in. heads with black seeds.  Frequently grown for bird seed.   Height: 12ft.   90-100 days. Seeding rate: 3lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 80,000
#2507  Packet $3.50   Approximately 50 seeds
"2507" type="hidden">
#B1-2507  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $14.99
"B1-2507" type="hidden">

Giant Grey Striped -  OP -  Huge 12in.-18in. bright yellow single blooms with a hint of a grey stripe. Excellent variety for bird seed or for roasting and eating.  Drought resistant; Height: 5-7ft.  100-110 days.   Seeding rate: 3lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 80,000
#137  Packet $3.50   Approximately 50 seeds
"137" type="hidden">
#B1-137  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $22.99
"B1-137" type="hidden">

Giant Sungold -  OP - Teddy-bear like sunflower, great as a background or as a screen. Drought resistant;  Full sun; height: 5-7ft.  90-100 days.  Seeding rate: 3lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 80,000
#135  Packet $4.50   Approximately 30 seeds
"135" type="hidden">
#B1-135  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $78.00
"B1-135" type="hidden">

Vanilla Ice - OP - Multiple clusters of light yellow & cream colored blooms with deep brown eyes. Drought resistant;  Height: 5-6ft.  90-100 days.   Seeding rate: 3lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 80,000
#349  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 50 seeds
"349" type="hidden">
#Bz-349  Bulk Seed   1oz  $9.00
"Bz-349" type="hidden">
#B4z-349  Bulk Seed    4oz  $29.59
"B4z-349" type="hidden">
#B1-349  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $78.00
"B1-349" type="hidden">

Velvet Queen - OP - One of the lovliest of the dark sunflowers, possessing deep red petals and a chocolate brown button. Good seed producer.   Height: 5ft.  100 days.    Seeding rate: 3lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 80,000
#140  Packet $5.50   Approximately 30 seeds
"140" type="hidden">
#B1-140  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $50.40
"B1-140" type="hidden">

Moss Verbena  (Verbena tenuisecta)  Perennial;  This South American native has become naturalized in the southern portion of the US.  Small purple blooms are borne in clusters, appearing as tiny bouquets.  Tolerant of drought and soil type, it will bloom all season long.  Hardy to -10F (-23.3C); full sun; height: 18in.  Seeding rate: 6lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: M    Avg. seeds per lb = 473,600
#3809  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
"3809" type="hidden">
#Bz-3809  Bulk Seed   1oz  $19.99
"Bz-3809" type="hidden">
#B4z-3809  Bulk Seed    4oz  $50.99
"B4z-3809" type="hidden">
#B1-3809  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $92.89
"B1-3809" type="hidden">

  Stiff Vervain (Verbena rigida) Perennial;  Wildflower native to Brazil and Paraguay that has become naturalized throughout the southern half of the US.  Blooms are deep magenta-purple and appear throughout the season.  Not at all particular about soil types, it prefers a location in full sun.  Good choice for hot, humid climates. Hardy to -10F (-23.3C);  Full sun; height: 2ft.   Seeding rate: 3lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb = 760,000
#3920  Packet $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"3920" type="hidden">
#Bz-3920  Bulk Seed   1oz  $27.99
"Bz-3920" type="hidden">
#B4z-3920  Bulk Seed    4oz  $50.99
"B4z-3920" type="hidden">
#B1-3920  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $99.89
"B1-3920" type="hidden">

Other Varieties
  Bachelor's Buttons (Cornflower, Kornblume, Bluebow, Hurtsickle, Blue Cap,  Bluet) - Centaurea cyanus - Annual, reseeds freely;  Lovely 1in. blooms in shades of white, blue and pink atop sturdy stems with carnation-like foliage.  Wonderful in a cottage garden or in a bouquet.  At one time, the flowers were used to manufacture a French eyewash, Eau de Casselunettes, which was used to treat weak eyes.  Culpeper, in his famous herbal, declared that the flowers, mixed with plantain, horsetail and comfrey was an excellent antidote for the bite of scorpions and other venomous creatures and the seeds were used to fight infectious diseases, including the plague.  The blue blooms are still used with alum-water to make a lavender-blue water color paint.  It was also said that the stems of the plant were so strong that they would dull any sickle used to cut them, thus the name hurtsickle.  Sow in spring.  Full sun; plant height: 18-24in.   Seeding rate: 3lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 96,000
#373  Packet $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"373" type="hidden">
#B1-373  Bulk Seed   1 lb   $34.99
"B1-373" type="hidden">

Bird's Eyes - Gilia tricolor - Annual - Native to the western US, this pretty little wildflower has become naturalized all over the country.  Trumpet shaped blooms are lavender and white with a yellow throat.  Does bes in well drained soils, but is very adaptable.  Full sun; height: 18in.   Seeding rate: 2lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E
Average seeds per lb = 1,020,000
#3921  Packet $6.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"3921" type="hidden">
#B4z-3921   Bulk Seed    4oz   $29.89
"B4z-3921" type="hidden">
#B1-3921  Bulk Seed   1 lb   $50.29
"B1-3921" type="hidden">

Chicory (Cichorium intybus)  Perennial - Chicory is a native of Europe that has established itself all over North America.  It is easily established from seed and produces a deep tap root.  The plant contains a milky sap and the lavender-blue daisylike blooms remain on the plant for only a single day.  In the United States, during the Civil War and again during WWII, chicory served as a coffee substitute.  Hardy to -40F (-40C);  Full sun; plant height: 2-4ft.  Seeding rate: 5lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 426,000
#1387  Packet $6.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"1387" type="hidden">
#B4z-1387  Bulk Seed    4oz   $16.89
"B4z-1387" type="hidden">
#B1-1387  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $29.25
"B1-1387" type="hidden">

Dame's Rocket - Hesperis matronalis - Perennial - European native that is now naturalized over the US.  Purple blooms resemble garden phlox and cluster at the ends of the stalks in the same manner.  Flowers are fragrant.  Prefers a moist well drained soil.  Hardy to -40F(-40C);  Full sun or partial shade;  height: 2-3ft.  Seeding rate: 8lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 296,000
#2505  Packet $5.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"2505" type="hidden">
#B4z-2505  Bulk Seed    4oz   $29.89
"B4z-2505" type="hidden">
#B1-2505  Bulk Seed   1 lb   $50.90
"B1-2505" type="hidden">

  Drummond Phlox - Phlox drummondii - Annual;  Native Texas wildflower that has established itself over the southeastern US.  Clusters of bright blooms cluster at the ends of stems, creating a mass of color.  Blooms are shades of pink, red, white and magenta.  Spectacular in mass plantings.  Blooms in spring.  Prefers a light sandy soil.  Plant in spring  Full sun; height: 24in.  Seeding rate: 8lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 234,000
#2506  Packet $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"2506" type="hidden">
#Bz-2506  Bulk Seed    1oz   $12.89
"Bz-2506" type="hidden">
#B4z-2506  Bulk Seed    4oz  $28.89
"B4z-2506" type="hidden">
#B1-2506  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $72.89
"B1-2506" type="hidden">

  Echinacea (Purple coneflower) Echinacea purpurea - Drought tolerant plants with large daisy like purple blooms that throw their petals back from the center cone.  Very pretty in mass plantings.  Prefers well drained rich soil, but is extremely tolerant of soil types.  Sow in spring or fall.  Seeding rate: 12lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 117,000
#2507  Packet $5.50   Approximately 50 seeds
"2507" type="hidden">
#B4z-2507  Bulk Seed    4oz  $50.89
"B4z-2507" type="hidden">
#B1-2507  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $70.59
"B1-2507" type="hidden">

  Foxglove, Mixed Colors (Witches thimbles, Folksglove) - Digitalis purpurea - Perennial;  Tall spikes of bell-shaped blooms rise above a clump of large ovate leaves.   A favorite of gardeners since the middle ages, dirivatives of the plant are used to treat heart problems. Prefers a rich sandy soil.  Sow in spring.  Hardy to -40F (-40C);  Full sun to partial shade; plant height: 48in.   Seeding rate: 1/2lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: D    Avg. seeds per lb= 4,360,000
#406  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 200 seeds
"406" type="hidden">
#Bz-406  Bulk Seed   1oz  $9.89
"Bz-406" type="hidden">
#B4z-406  Bulk Seed    4oz  $22.89
"B4z-406" type="hidden">
#B1-406  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $58.90
"B1-406" type="hidden">

Gloriosa Daisy - Rudbeckia hirta - Perennial;  Originally a wildflower native to most of the US, these bright yellow single flowered daisies bring a sunny look to any garden or wildfllower patch.  Hardy to -40F (-40C);  Full sun; height:40in.  Seeding rate: 2lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E     Avg. seeds per lb= 1,700,000
#2493  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
"2493" type="hidden">
#Bz-2493  Bulk Seed   1oz  $8.17
"Bz-2493" type="hidden">
#B4z-2493  Bulk Seed    4oz  $14.89
"B4z-2493" type="hidden">
#B1-2493  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $37.99
"B1-2493" type="hidden">

Johnny Jump Up (Viola tricolor) Perennial;  Pretty small viola with 1-1/2in. bicolor blooms in purple and yellow on compact plants.  Good variety for rock gardens, beds and borders.  Prefers a well drained rich soil .  Sow in spring.  Hardy to -40F (-40C);  Full sun/Partial shade; height: 7in.  Seeding rate: 4lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 408,000
#1163  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
"1163" type="hidden">
#Bz-1163  Bulk Seed   1oz  $27.62
"Bz-1163" type="hidden">
#B4z-1163  Bulk Seed    4oz  $56.89
"B4z-1163" type="hidden">
#B1-1163  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $180.00
"B1-1163" type="hidden">

Linaria (Toadflax) Fantasy Mix - Linaria maroccana - Annual;  Cool season annual with good temperature tolerance.  Can be grown in milder winters as a winter crop.  5/8 inch snapdragon-like blooms on compact dwarf plants.  Sow in spring.  Hardy to -40F (-40C);  Full sun; height: 8in.  Seeding rate: 1lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 6,800,000
#1308  Packet $6.50   Approximately 50 seeds
"1308" type="hidden">

  Mexican Hat - Ratibida columnaris - Annual or Tender Perennial;  Native to the midwestern US, now naturalized all over the US.  Black cone shaped flowers with drooping red petals edged in yellow.  Prefers well- drained soil.  Full sun; height: 2-3ft.  Seeding rate: 1lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 1,200,000
#2501  Packet $7.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"2501" type="hidden">
#B4z-2501  Bulk Seed    4oz  $29.89
"B4z-2501" type="hidden">
#B1-2501  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $50.79
"B1-2501" type="hidden">

Orange Wallflower - Cheirianthus allionii -  Biennial or Perennial - Native to the Canary Islands, this variety has naturalized through the northern half of the US.  Vivid orange blooms appear on compact plants with narrow leaves.  Tolerant of a variety of conditions.  Sow in spring, summer or fall.  Hardy to -30F (-34.4C);  Full sun to partial shade; height: 12-18in.  Seeding rate: 6lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 340,000
#2497  Packet $5.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"2497" type="hidden">
#B4z-2497  Bulk Seed    4oz  $29.89
"B4z-2497" type="hidden">
#B1-2497  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $54.99
"B1-2497" type="hidden">

  Rocket Larkspur (Staggerweed) - Delphinium ajacis - Annual; Native southern European wildflower has become naturalized over the US.  Compact blossoms on tall spikes make a lovely cut flower.  Perfect for naturalizing in wildlfower patches or in beds.  Self sows freely.  Prefers well-drained soils.  Sow in spring or fall.  Hardy to -40F (-40C);  Full sun to Partial shade; height: 3-4ft.  Seeding rate: 10lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E  --  PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL PARTS OF THIS PLANT ARE TOXIC --    Avg. seeds per lb= 150,000
#2495  Packet $5.50   Approximately 200 seeds
"2495" type="hidden">
#B4z-2495  Bulk Seed    4oz  $29.89
"B4z-2495" type="hidden">
#B1-2495  Bulk Seed   1 lb   $50.50
"B1-2495" type="hidden">

Rose Mallow - Lavatera trimetris -  Perennial;  Self-sowing plant naturalized through the southeastern US.  Lavender-pink blooms with dark purple veins.  Very tolerant of many soil conditions.  Sow in early spring, after danger of frost is past.  Blooms summer and fall.  Hardy to -10F (-23.3C);  Full sun to partial shade;  height: 3-5ft.  Seeding rate: 25lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: M    Avg. seeds per lb= 71,000
#2496  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
"2496" type="hidden">
#B4z-2496  Bulk Seed    4oz  $11.25
"B4z-2496" type="hidden">
#B1-2496  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $27.00
"B1-2496" type="hidden">

  Texas Paintbrush (Castilleja indivisa)  Annual or Biennial;  Native Texas wildflower with single erect stems with tiny, almost unnoticeable, cream colored blooms surrounded by bright red-orange bracts.  Does best in mass plantings in well-drained soil.  It is a partial root parasite and must be planted with other seeds (grass or wildflowers).  Cultivation can be difficult, but the rewards are worth it.  If started in flats to transplant, it is best to use deep plug trays or individual pots, as the plants do not  like to have their roots disturbed.  Hardy to 10F (-17.7C); Full sun; height: 8-24in.  Seeding rate: 1/4lb per acre;  Difficulty rating: D    Avg. seeds per lb= 5,100.000
#1391  Packet $5.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"1391" type="hidden">
#Bz-1391  Bulk Seed   1oz  $129.95
"Bz-1391" type="hidden">

Wild Baby's Breath - Gypsophilia muralis - Annual;  Dense clusters of tiny single white blooms on airy foiliage.  Prefers full sun in well drained slightly alkaline soil.  Sow in early spring.  Full sun;  plant height: 18in.  Seeding rate: 5lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: E    Avg. seeds per lb= 174,000
#2498  Packet $3.50   Approximately 200 seeds
"2498" type="hidden">
#B4z-2498  Bulk Seed    4oz  $10.25
"B4z-2498" type="hidden">
#B1-2498  Bulk Seed   1 lb   $20.99
"B1-2498" type="hidden">

  Yellow Yarrow - Achillea filipendulina - Perennial;  Heat tolerant European native that has naturalized throughout North America with fernlike leaves and clusters of yellow blooms.  Prefers light, rich soils, but will tolerate a wide variety of conditions.
Hardy to -40F (-40C);  Full sun to partial shade; height: 2-4ft.  Seeding rate: 1/2lb per acre;  Difficulty rating: M    Avg. seeds per lb= 2,700,000
#198  Packet $13.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"198" type="hidden">
#Bz-198  Bulk Seed   1oz  $77.62
"Bz-198" type="hidden">
#B4z-198  Bulk Seed    4oz  $116.89
"B4z-198" type="hidden">
#B1-198  Bulk Seed   1 lb  $192.00
"B1-198" type="hidden">

Wildflower Mixes
(Ingredients listed in order of percentage of total mix.)

Butterfly Mix - Includes echinacea, tickseed, cornflower, rocket larkspur, gaillardia, Drummond phlox, Texas hummingbird sage, candytuft, cosmos, Sweet William, orange wallflower. monarda, moss verbena, standing cypress, gloriosa daisy, shasta daisy, coreopsis, butterfly weed, sweet alyssum and linara.   Sow in spring.  Sunlight requirement: 6-8hr.full sun per day;  Seeding rate: 1/4lb per 625sq. ft.  Difficulty rating: E
#B4z-2503    1/4lb   $12.95
"B4z-2503" type="hidden">
#B1-2503    1/4lb   $35.95
"B1-2503" type="hidden">

Poppy Mix - Includes California poppy, corn poppies (double and single flowered), Red corn poppy   Sunlight requirement: 6-8hr.full sun per day;  Seeding rate: 1/4lb per 1000sq. ft.  Difficulty rating: E
#B4z-2504    1/4lb   $12.95
"B4z-2504" type="hidden">


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