(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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Alternate names:

Painted Daisy
Persian Daisy
Pyrethrum Painted Daisy Tanacetum coccineum Persian Daisy

James Kelway - Tanacetum coccineum - Perennial;  Large scarlet daisy-like flowers have a bright yellow eye and sit atop strong stems.  Foliage is bright green.  Perfect flower for cutting.  Full sun;  plant height: 18in.  120 days.
#441  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
"441" type="hidden">
#P441  Plant    3in. pot   $10.00
"P441" type="hidden">

Robinsons Single Mix - Tanacetum coccineum - Perennial;  A profusion of 2 inch single blooms in shades of red, rose and pink with yellow eyes.  Full sun;  plant height: 24in.
#1110  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
"1110" type="hidden">
#P1110  Plant    3in. pot   $10.00
"P1110" type="hidden">


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