(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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   Snowberry - Symphoricarpos alba - Deciduous multi-stemmed shrub with oval blue-green leaves and pink blossoms in the spring.  Blooms are followed by 1/2inch white berries, that persist into the winter.  Very tolerant of soil type. Does best in partial shade or full sun.  Spreads by suckers and will quickly form thickets if not controlled.  Good reclamation plant.  Hardy to -40F (-40C); height: 6ft.
#2362  Packet, $15.00 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
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Coralberry (Indian Currant) - Symphoricarpos orbiculatus - Deciduous shrub with twiggy growth and blossoms that are follwed by berries.  The inner bark is used to prepare an eyewash to treat  inflammation. The plant prefers a sandy loam in a shaded or semi-shaded location and is very tolerant of air pollution and salt air.  They can be trimmed to form a hedge or border and spread by the formation of suckers.  Can form thickets very quickly and makes a good land reclamation or erosion control plant.   Hardy to 40F (-40C); height: 6ft.
#3931  Packet, $15.00 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
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