(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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Everlastings, Strawflowers

statice art  Art Mix (Limonium sinuata)  Annual;  Pretty strawflower used often in dried arrangements.  Colors dry true to their live shades.  Soft pastel shades of rose, cream, lilac and gold.  Uniform blooms. Full sun; height: 24-28in.
#1410  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
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  German (Tatarian statice) - Limonium tatarica - Perennial;  This is the favorite variety for dried bouquets and wreaths.  5 inch flower heads are silvery white and dry to a papery cream color.  As the sprays age, the stems turn a pretty reddish-tan.  Full sun;  plant height: 20in.  90-100 days.
#447  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 50 seeds
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#P447  3in. pot  $10.00
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  Premium Mix (Limonium sinuata) Annual; Clear bright colors that dry well.  Excellent for arrangements.  Colors are apricot, blue, carmine, purple, blue, yellow and white.  Full sun; height: 24-28in.
#1122  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 50 seeds
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