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(Plant heights are given at maturity)
OP = Open pollinated      H= Hybrid      Average 2500 seeds per ounce

Bloomsdale Longstanding Heirloom Spinach plant seed   Bloomsdale Longstanding (48-55 days) OP - Heirloom variety introduced around 1908.  Resists bolting Dark green crumpled leaves.  Standard of spinach.
#591  Packet $3.50   Approximately  100 seeds
#B4z-591   Bulk seed  4oz $9.99
#B1-591   Bulk seed   1 lb   $17.99

Malabar Spinach  Malabar (85 days)  OP - Vigorous climbing vine that produced thick leaves used for salads or cooked and eaten like spinach.  Best trellised.
#1103  Packet $3.50   Approximately 75 seeds
#B4z-1103   Bulk seed  4oz $50.95
#B1-1103   Bulk seed   1 lb   $106.00


Viroflay (50 days) OP - (Monster Spinach, Giant Spinach) - Smooth dark green leaves. 19th century French Heirloom.
#301  Packet $3.50   Approximately  100 seeds
#B4z-301   Bulk seed  4oz $9.99
#B1-301   Bulk seed   1 lb   $17.99

Graph of soil temperatures for planting Spinach seeds
There is great diversity in the vegetable varieties that we offer; which makes the general information provided only valuable as adjustable guidelines. This may also affect your seed planting and propagation strategies and the germination rates under your planting conditions may vary from the seed lot test results. The following soil temperature data is for spinach in general. Temperatures are average daytime from planting to emergence. Percentage is average germination rate. Days is number of days to emergence.

32ºF x 83% x 63 days; 41ºF x 96% x 23 days; 50ºF x 91% x 12 days; 59ºF x 82% x 7 days; 68ºF x 52% x 6 days; 77ºF x 32% x 5 days; 86ºF x 28% x 6 days; 95ºF x 0% x 0 days;


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