(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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Christmas Cherry Big Red Solanum pseudocapsicum Annual  Christmas Cherry (Big Red) - Solanum pseudocapsicum - Annual - Orange cherry like fruits make a great holiday decoration.  Sow seed in August for Christmas fruiting.  Full sun or partial shade;  height: 12in.
#1493  Packet, $4.50 each,  Approximately 200 seeds
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Easter Egg Plant - Solanum sp. - Annual;  Maybe this plant answers the question "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"  The fruits of this small 12 inch plant really do look like eggs and the more sun that they recieve, the brighter the colors on the fruits (cream, yellow, orange and green).  Great specimen plant.  Full sun; plant height: 12 in.
#398  Packet, $4.50 each,  Approximately 300 seeds
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#P3-398  Three Plants 3in. pot  $14.95
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