(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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Also known as: Checker Mallow or Checker.  This perennial plant is as useful as it is lovely.  The leaves are oftten eaten as greens, raw or cooked, and have been used dried to flavor foods.  The plants prefer a moist, well drained soil and thrive in climates with cool summers in full sun or partial shade.  If the plants are cut back after blooming, they will usually produce a second crop of blooms later in the season.  They make excellent cut flowers.

Checker Mallow Sidalcea malvaflora Perennial flower  Party Girl - Sidalcea malvaflora - Perennial;   This relative of the hollyhock produces bright pink blooms on 3ft. stalks the first year from seed. Excellent bedding or cottage garden plant.  height: 36in.
#3180  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
"3180" type="hidden">


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