(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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Alaska Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum superbum Perennial flower  Alaska - Leucanthemum superbum - Perennial - The standard Shasta Daisy, with 2 inch blooms on clumping plants.  Full sun or partial shade; height: 36in.
#980  Packet  $3.50    Approximately 100 seeds
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Brightside Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum superbum Perennial flower Brightside - Leucanthemum superbum - Perennial - A seed version of Becky.  Vigorous and hardy, producing consistantly excellent plants.  Clumping variety with strong stems that resist drooping.  Full sun or partial shade; height: 30in.
#3992  Packet  $4.50   Approximately 100 seeds
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#P3992  Plant, 3 inch pot   $12.95
"P3992" type="hidden">

Crazy Daisy Shasta Daisy Crazy Daisy -  Leucanthemum x superbum - Perennial;  Fully double snow white blooms measure 2-1/2 inches across.  Each bloom has a different appearance:  some are ruffled, some are spidery, some rounded.   Full sun; plant height 24-30in.  120 days.
#500  Packet  $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds
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Polaris Shasta Daisy  Polaris - Leucanthemum superba - Perennial;  Huge 7 inch blooms on long droop resistant stems.  The best of the cut flower varieties.  Full sun or partial shade; height: 48in.
#3993  Packet  $4.50   Approximately 100 seeds
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Shasta Daisy - Leucanthemum maximum - Perennial;  Single white Daisy blooms measure two inches in diameter, with bright yellow eye. Naturalized American wildflower.   Full sun or partial shade; height: 36in.
#5368  Packet  $6.50   Approximately 300 seeds
"5368" type="hidden">
#Bz-5368 Bulk seeds 1 oz. $12.95   (Approximately 27,000 seeds)
"Bz-5368" type="hidden">
#B1-5368 Bulk seeds 1 lb. $59.95
"B1-5368" type="hidden">

Silver Spoons Shasta Daisy  Silver Spoons - Leucanthemum superba - Perennial;  Unique among the Shastas, this variety has spiderlike petals that flatten slightly at the ends, rather like a spoon.  Mounding growth habit with strong long stems.  Full sun or partial shade; height: 36in.
#3991  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 50 seeds
"3991" type="hidden">


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