(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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Dyer's Saffron, American saffron, Flores Carthami, Saffron thistle, Bastard saffron, Koosumona, Hoang-tchi;  Used for its laxative properties and as a food coloring.

Orange - Carthamus tinctorius - Annual;  Deep red-orange blooms on tall stems.  Full sun; plant height: 3-4ft.  80-90 days.
#445  Packet, $5.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
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Yellow - Carthamus tinctorius - Annual; Yellow safflower used for centuries as a yellow dye.  Lovely cut flower.  Full sun;  plant height: 3-4ft.  80-90 days.
#446  Packet, $5.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
"446" type="hidden">


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