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(Plant heights are given at maturity)

Black-Eyed Susan

CHEROKEE SUNSET Rudbeckia hirta Cherokee Sunset - Rudbeckia hirta - Perennial;  Spectacular 4 inch double, semi-double and single blooms brighten up the garden in shades of gold, bronze, mahogany and yellow.  Single colors and bicolors.  Great cut flower that keeps on blooming through the hottest summer.  Full sun; plant height: 24-30in.
#1031  Packet $3.50   Approximately 50 seeds
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#P1031   Plant  3in pot  $12.95
"P1031" type="hidden">

Chim Chiminee Rudbeckia hirta  Chim Chiminee - Rudbeckia hirta - Perennial;  AAS Winner with fully double blooms with quilted petals.  Excellent type for bedding or containers.  Makes a great cut flower.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C) Full sun or partial shade; height: 20in.
#4002  Packet $3.50   Approximately 50 seeds
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double gold rudbeckia hirta Double Gold - Rudbeckia hirta - Perennial;  Brilliant 5-7in. double yellow blooms brighten up the summer and last through the fall.  A dependable perennial that withstands hot summer sun.  Full sun;  plant height: 24-36in.  80-90 days.
#442  Packet $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds
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#P442   Plant  3in pot  $12.95
"P442" type="hidden">

gloriosa rudbeckia hirta Gloriosa Daisy - Rudbeckia hirta - Perennial;  Originally a wildflower native to most of the US, these bright yellow single flowered daisies bring a sunny look to any garden or wildfllower patch.  Full sun; height:40in.
#2493  Packet $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"2493" type="hidden">
#P2493   Plant  3in pot  $12.95
"P2493" type="hidden">

goldsturm Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm - Rudbeckia fulgida - Perennial;  Golden yellow daisy flowers with a distinct chocolate-brown center cone.  Upright, clumping growth habit and long bloom make it a good choice for borders.  Attractive well into the winter, when the cones remain on the plant.  Full sun; height:24in.
#3156  Packet $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"3156" type="hidden">
#P3156   Plant  3in pot  $12.95
"P3156" type="hidden">

green wizard Rudbeckia fulgida Green Wizard - Rudbeckia fulgida - Perennial;  Weird 3-5in. flowers with green petals and big center cones.  Definitely attracts attention.  Blooms from seed the first year.  Full sun;  plant height:  24-36in.  120 days.
#443  Packet $3.50   Approximately 50 seeds
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#P443   Plant  3in pot  $12.95
"P443" type="hidden">

irish eyes rudbeckia hirta Irish Eyes - Rudbeckia hirta - Perennial;  4 inch golden yellow daisy blooms with a green eye.  Full sun; height: 3ft.
#2543  Packet $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds
"2543" type="hidden">

Maya Rudbeckia hirta  Maya - Rudbecka hirta - Perennial;  Double blooms are 4 inches in diameter on strong stems.  Dwarf type that works well in containers or beds.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C) Full sun or partial shade; height: 18n.
#4003  Packet $4.50   Approximately 50 seeds
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sonora rudbeckia hirta Sonora - Rudbeckia hirta - Perennial;  Bright golden yellow 6 inch blooms with a mahogany ring.   Great bedding plant.  Full sun; height: 18-20 in.
#1409  Packet $3.50   Approximately 50 seeds
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Toto Rustic Rudbeckia hirta  Toto Rustic - Rudbecka hirta - Perennial;  Mahogany and yellow blooms on dwarf plants.  Makes a great bedding plant and provides color throughout the season.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C) Full sun or partial shade; height: 12in.
#4004  Packet $3.50   Approximately 50 seeds
"4004" type="hidden">


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