(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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Ricinus communis Carmencita Red Castor Bean plant seeds
Castor Bean
Carmencita Red  (Ricinus communis)  Striking tropical foliage with dense terminal spikes.  Leaves measure up to 12 inches in diameter and are dark green with red stems.  Makes a good annual hedge, background or border plant.  ALL PARTS OF THE RAW PLANT ARE TOXIC, but the toxins contained are water soluable and so are not found in the seed oil, which has been used for centuries in cooking and medicinally, as a laxative and to treat various skin disorders, and headaches.  The oil is also used in soaps and polishes, and as fuel additive for precision engines.  In the garden, it is said to repel mosquitos, flies and various other insects, and moles.  Full sun: height: 5ft.
#1172  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 30 seeds
"1172" type="hidden">
#Bz-1172    Bulk seed    1oz  $12.79
"Bz-1172" type="hidden">
#B4z-1172    Bulk seed  4oz  $29.95
"B4z-1172" type="hidden">
#B1-1172    Bulk seed  1 lb  $59.99
"B1-1172" type="hidden">


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