(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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Shining Sumac Flameleaf Rhus copallina   Shining Sumac (Flameleaf Sumac)  Rhus copallina - Shiny dark green leaves turn gorgeous shades of red, scarlet and burgundy in the fall.  Spring brings pretty yellow-green blooms which later produce red seeds.  Very tolerant of poor soils, this species will form dense thickets and can be invasive if not controlled.  Hardy to -30F (-34.4C);  height: 30ft.
#2542  Packet, $4.50 each,  Approximately 50 seeds
"2542" type="hidden">
#P2542    18-24inch tree   $19.95
"P2542" type="hidden">
#P3-2542    (18-24inch trees)   Three trees for $29.99
"P3-2542" type="hidden">

Smooth Sumac - Rhus glabra - A large shrub or decidious tree with deep green elliptical leaves which turn bright red in the autumn.  Very tolerant plant which can take drought and high heat.  Native to northeastern US and southeastern Canada.   Hardy to -50F (-45C); height: 12ft.
#2274  Packet, $4.50 each,  Approximately 50 seeds
"2274" type="hidden">
#P2274    18-24inch Tree   $18.95
"P2274" type="hidden">
#P3-2274    (18-24inch trees)   Three trees for $26.99
"P3-2274" type="hidden">


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