(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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Rose Moss

Sundial Mix Portulaca grandiflora Annual flower  Sundial Mix - Portulaca grandiflora - Annual;  Hybrid variety sporting bright colors (reds, oranges, pinks, purples, whites and yellows, some bicolors) and double flowers.  Great for dry areas.  Full sun; plant height: 6in.  70-80 days.
#439  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 300 seeds
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Antique Double Mix Portulaca grandiflora Annual flower  Antique Double Mix - Portulaca grandiflora - Annual;  These bright double blooms have been a favorite of gardeners for many years.  Good plant for rock gardens, dry areas or areas with poor soil.  Blooms open in the morning and close in the evening.  Colors include red, orange, pink, magenta and white.  Full sun; plant height: 6in.  70-80 days.
#440  Packet, $4.50 each,  Approximately 1000 seeds
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