(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate Princes Feather Oriental Persicary Polygonum orientale  Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate (Princes Feather, Oriental Persicary) Polygonum orientale - Annual - reseeds freely; This lovely heirloom can grow to 10ft. tall, with 4-8in. heart-shaped leaves and pendulous 3in. drooping flower spikes on bamboo-like stems, itft.s a perfect plant to fill in an open space in your garden. Grows quickly and bees & butterflies love it. Full sun or partial shade; plant height: 5-10ft.
#134  Packet $3.50 each  Approximately 25 seeds
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Silver Lace Vine China Fleece Vine Polygonum albertii  Silver Lace Vine (China Fleece Vine) - Polygonum albertii - Perennial - A vigorously growing vine with long erect clusters of white blooms which sometimes appear twice in a season.  Full sun; hardy to -30F (-34.4C);height: 20ft. (vine)
#2189  Packet $6.50 each  Approximately 100 seeds
"2189" type="hidden">


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