(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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POLYGONATUM ; Solomons Seal

Polygonatum commutatum Solomons Seal Huang Ching  Solomons Seal (Huang Ching) Polygonatum commutatum - Perennial;  Graceful arching stems are covered with small white blooms in the summer.  A good plant for partial or deep shade, it does best in a woodland-like setting, with rich humus and moist soil.  The leaves and roots are edible - the roots being used like asparagus, with a flavor rather like parsnips. The dried root is also powdered and used as a thickener.  Medicinally, the roots are used to treat headache and as an incense.  (This plant is not appealing to deer) Hardy to -40F (-40C); Partial to full shade; height: 16in.
#4214  Packet $33.50   Approximately 15 seeds
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Solomons Seal Polygonatum biflorum - Perennial;  Small bell shaped white flowers dangle from the stem. Blue-black berries follow the blooms in autum. Hardy to -40F (-40C); Partial to full shade; height: 16in.
#P4215  One plant   $79.95   3-1/2 inch pot
"P4215" type="hidden">
#P4-4215  Four plants   $89.95   3-1/2 inch pots
"P4-4215" type="hidden">
#P25-4215  Twenty-five plants   $159.95   3-1/2 inch pots
"P25-4215" type="hidden">


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