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(Plant heights are given at maturity)


Originally from the Caucasian region of Europe, the pear was carried throughout the world.  It has been modified into many forms, but remains a favorite fruit.

Pears do best in a climate which has cool winters, but not severe ones, and the moisture supply is plentiful.   Trees should be planted in an open location that has good air circulation.  They bloom earlier than apples, so on sloping land, it is better to plant them somewhat up on the slope to avoid the colder air that might cause frost damage.  Heavier soils are preferred, with some porous subsoil to allow deep root penetration and good drainage.  Medium loams and sandy soils will be fine if they are well drained.

Most pears require cross-pollination from another variety - even self-pollinating pears produce better with a cross pollinator.  Seckel will not cross with Bartlett, but all other varieties listed below will cross pollinate with one another.

Dwarf?  Semi-dwarf?  Standard?
Most modern pears are grafted onto vigorous rootstocks and are available in 3 sizes:

Dwarf trees produce approximately 2-6 bushels of fruit per year and begin producing in 2-3 years.  At maturity, they reach between 6-8ft. in height, which makes them perfect for the smaller garden.

Semi-dwarf trees grow to an average height of 12-15ft. at maturity and begin to bear fruit in 3-5 years.  Average yields are between 8-12 bushels of fruit.

Standard trees reach 20-25ft. in height and begin to bear in about 5-6 years.  Annual yields are 10-15 bushels of fruit.

For pruning information see:  Rich Farm Garden Tip: CENTRAL LEADER PRUNING

Rich's Pears
Our pear trees are shipped with a trunk caliber of  1/2 to 5/8 inch.  They are available on seedling, O.H.xF., Bartlett, or Pyro rootstocks.  PLEASE NOTE, HOWEVER, THAT NOT ALL VARIETIES ARE AVAILABLE ON ALL ROOTSTOCKS.  If you have a preference, please let us know when ordering - we will confirm availability at that time.  If you wish to check availability or have other questions, please contact us at



Anjou - Leading commercial variety with yellow-green skin and creamy flesh.  This is a winter pear that should be ripened on the tree to gain its full flavor.  The suggested pollinizer is Bartlett, but Clapp's Favorite, Red Bartlett, Seckel, Bosc can also be used.
Hardy to -20F (-28.8C)
#P1430SD  Semi-dwarf   $56.95   1/2 - 5/8 caliber trunk tree
#P2-1430SD  Semi-dwarf   Two trees for $70.00

Barlett Williams Bon Chretien Pear fruit  Barlett  (William's Bon Chretien) - Introduced nearly 200 years ago, this remains the most popular variety of pear, for both commercial orchards and home gardeners.  The trees bear early and regularly.  Fruits are large, yellow tinted, firm and sweet.  Excellent for canning or eating fresh.  Ripens mid-to late September. Bartlett is partially self-fruitful and is also pollinated by Clapp's Favorite, Red Bartlett, Anjou and Bosc.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C)  .
#P1064S  Standard   $56.95   1/2 - 5/8 caliber trunk tree
#P2-1064S  Standard   Two trees for $70.00

Beurre Bosc Pear fruit  Bosc (Beurre Bosc) -  Though the trees are a bit slower coming into bearing than Bartlett, once established, these are among the most fruitful of pear varieties.  Fruits are large, cinnamon-russet in color and disctinctive in taste.  Excellent market garden variety.  Ripens late October.  The suggested pollinizer is Bartlett, but  Clapp's Favorite, Red Bartlett, Seckel, Anjou can be used as well.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C).
#P1065S  Standard   $56.95   1/2 - 5/8 caliber trunk tree
#P2-1065S  Standard   Two trees for $70.00

Clapps Favorite Kalle yellow Pear fruit  Clapp's Favorite (Kalle)  Large lemon yellow fruits with a red blush.  An excellent choice for shipping, as the fruits are sweetest  when picked green and allowed to ripen off the tree.  Does not keep well.  Ripens mid August.  Can be pollinated by Bartlett, Red Bartlett, Seckel, Anjou and Bosc.
Hardy to -30F (-34.4C).
#P1066SD  Semi-dwarf   $56.95   1/2 - 5/8 caliber trunk tree
#P2-1066SD  Semi-dwarf   Two trees for $70.00
#P1066S  Standard   $56.95   1/2 - 5/8 caliber trunk tree
#P2-1066S  Standard   Two trees for $70.00

Comice Pear fruit  Comice - A favorite dessert pear, Comice has yellow-green skin, sometimes blushed red, and a sweet juicy taste.
#P4284SD  Semi-dwarf   $56.95   1/2 - 5/8 caliber trunk tree
#P2-4284SD  Semi-dwarf   Two trees for $70.00

Concorde Pear fruit  Concorde - New variety from East Malling with medium sized fruit with white crisp flesh.  Trees are vigorous and hardy.
#P4285SD  Semi-dwarf   $56.95   1/2 - 5/8 caliber trunk tree
#P2-4285SD  Semi-dwarf   Two trees for $70.00

Red Bartlett - A Bartlett sport variety with quality equal to its parent. Its red color and fine dessert qualities make it  a top seller at fresh markets. Limbs on the tree will occasionally revert back to regular Bartlett. These limbs  must be cut out periodically to maintain the red strain.  The tree is partially self-fruitful and can be pollinated with Clapp's Favorite, Anjou and Bosc.
#P2733S  Standard   $56.95   1/2 - 5/8 caliber trunk tree
#P2-2733S  Standard   Two trees for $70.00

Seckel Pear fruit  Seckel - Fruits are small, fine grained juicy and sweet.  Skin is russet with some red blush.  Popular for canning whole. Can be pollinated with Clapp's Favorite, Anjou and Bosc. Ripens late August.
#P1429SD  Semi-dwarf   $56.95   1/2 - 5/8 caliber trunk tree
#P2-1429SD  Semi-dwarf   Two trees for $70.00

Keiffer - Large firm fruit ripens late in the season.  Very tolerant to heat and cold.  Disease resistant.  Good variety for USDA Zone 7-9.
#P2731S  Standard   $56.95   1/2 - 5/8 caliber trunk tree
#P2-2731S  Standard   Two trees for $70.00

Summercrisp - Variety introduced by the University of Minnesota in 1986.  Large green fruits are good for eating, though they do not store well.  Ripens mid-August.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C).
#P1069SD  Semi-dwarf   $56.95   1/2 - 5/8 caliber trunk tree
#P2-1069SD  Semi-dwarf   Two trees for $70.00
#P1069S  Standard   $56.95   1/2 - 5/8 caliber trunk tree
#P2-1069S  Standard   Two trees for $70.00


Sometimes called 'pear apples', Asian pears are round and crisp like an apple, juicy and have a rather spicy pear taste.  Most need a pollinator, which can be another Asian or a western pear variety.  Fruit should be allowed to ripen on the tree for the best flavor.  Cultivation is the same as any european pear.

20th Century (Nijisseiki) - Juicy, sweet, crisp mild-flavored fruit.  Easy to grow, bears heavily.  450 chilling hours required.  Self-fruitful or pollinated by Shinseiki, Bartlett, or other pear or Asian pear.  Ripens mid October. Hardy to -20F (-28.8C)
#P2734S  Standard   $56.95   1/2 - 5/8 caliber trunk tree
#P2-2734S  Standard   Two trees for $70.00

Hosui Pear fruit Hosui - Flesh is white, juicy and tangy, skin is russet-colored.  Considered the best tasting of the Asian pears. 450 hours of chilling required.  Pollinated by Bartlett or 20th Century.  Ripens mid to late September.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C)
#P1398SD  Semi-dwarf   $56.95   1/2 - 5/8 caliber trunk tree
#P2-1398SD  Semi-dwarf   Two trees for $70.00

Olympic -  Large heavily russeted fruits with crisp white flesh.  Considered slightly more hardy than most Asian varieties and the best for long term storage. Requires 450 hours of chilling.  Hosui is the best pollinator, though Shinseiki or Bartlett can be used.  Ripens mid October. Hardy to -20F (-28.8C)
#P2732S  Standard   $56.95   1/2 - 5/8 caliber trunk tree
#P2-2732S  Standard   Two trees for $70.00

Shinseiki yellow Pear fruit  Shinseiki - Pretty yellow-skinned fruits with smooth creamy white flesh.  Mild and juicy.  Bears heavily beginning the second year.  Ripens mdi to late September.  Requires 350-450 chilling hours.  Self fruitful.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C)
#P1399S  Standard   $56.95   1/2 - 5/8 caliber trunk tree
#P2-1399S  Standard   Two trees for $70.00


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