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(Plant heights are given at maturity)

Spearmint Menthus spicata plant leaves
Mentha spicata Spearmint plant seeds
Spearmint - Mentha spicata - Perennial;  Excellent for cooking, as if maintains its strong mint flavor.  Full sun or partial shade;  height: 24in.
#3181  Packet  $3.50  Approximately 100 seeds
Peppermint Menthus piperita plant leaves Mentha piperita Peppermint Candymint Brandymint plant seeds
Peppermint  (Candymint, Brandymint) - Menthus piperita -  Perennial - Culinary, Medicinal - Leaves are short with finely margined teeth and slightly hairy on the underside.  Stems are 2-4ft. tall and often have a purple tint and bear clusters of purple flowers in summer.  The entire plant possesses the distintive aroma of peppermint.  Used as a clulinary herb for centuries, it is thought that the ancient Egyptians culivated a form.  The Romans crowned guests and tables at feasts with sprays, as recorded by the historian Pliny.  In the 1700s, it's production became a major industry in England.  Full sun or partial shade;  plant height: 2-4ft.  (Please note that mints do not always run true from seed.)
#953  Packet  $3.50  Approximately 200 seeds

Mentha pulegium Pennyroyal Fleamint Fleamint plant leaves  Pennyroyal (Fleamint, Fleabane) - Mentha pulegium - Perennial - Culinary, Medicinal, Household - Creeping compact plant makes a nice addition to the rock garden.  The anicents used the leaves to flavor puddings and sauces.  They have also been used to make a tea to treat headaches.  Today, oil from the leaves is a main ingredient in insect repellents.  Rubbing the leaves on your skin and clothing will repel fleas, ticks and mosquitos.  This also makes pennyroyal a great choice for companion planting - it will also repel insects from your garden.
#1013  Packet  $3.50  Approximately 100 seeds

Applemint - Menthus suaveolens - Perennial - Culinary, Medicinal -Soft grey-green foliage has a wonderful spiced apple fragrance.  A great companion to iced or hot china tea.  Used to sooth sore throats and the discomforts of the common cold.  Full sun or partial shade; plant height: 2-4ft.
#P482   3in. pot   $12.95


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