(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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Alamo Fire Bluebonnet Lupinus texensis maroon  Alamo Fire (Maroon Bluebonnet) - Lupinus texensis - Perennial;  A unique variety of bluebonnet, this pretty plant has maroon and white petals on 2ft. plants.  The original plant was found growing near San Antonio, Texas. Like most wild lupines, this variety prefers a light sandy soil and does not tolerate heavy clay soils with poor drainage.  Seeds in these soils will germinate, but will not fully develop.  Does best when planted on a slight slope.  Full sun or partial shade; plant height: 18-24in.
#2445 Packet $8.50 Approximately 20 seeds
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Arroyo Lupine Lupinus succulentus Arroyo Lupine - Lupinus succulentus - Perennial or biennial  - Native to California and the western US coast, this variety has upright spikes with purple blooms.  Prefers a moist clay or heavy soil in full sun.  Can be difficult to establish, but is well worth the effort. Hardy to 10F (-17.7C);  Full sun; plant height 12-18in. Seeding rate: 35lbs per acre;  Difficulty rating: D    Avg. seeds per lb= 15,500
#2492 Packet $3.50 Approximately 50 seeds
"2492" type="hidden">
#Bz-2492  Bulk  seed  1oz approx. 840 seeds  $15.00
"Bz-2492" type="hidden">
#B4z-2492  Bulk  seed   4oz  $ 25.50
"B4z-2492" type="hidden">
#B1-2492   Bulk  seed   1 1lb  $62.50
"B1-2492" type="hidden">

Lupinus polyphyllus Dwarf Mix  Dwarf Mix - Lupinus polyphyllus - Perennial - Flowers first year from seed.  Colorful flower spikes in a wide range of shades.  Great bedding, container,  or border plant.  Hardy to -40F (-40C); height: 15in.
#3797  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 50 seeds
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Lupinus polyphyllus Russell Mixed  Russell Mixed - Lupinus polyphyllus - Perennial ; Beautiful spring flower with finger-like leaves and tall spikes of blue, purple, white or pink blooms that provide a great show year after year. Reseeds freely. Full sun or partial shade; plant height: 24-48in.
(if sowing seed in spring, stratify at 35 degrees for 4 weeks for best germination)
#124  packet  aprox 30 seeds  $3.50
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#P124   Plant   3in.  pot  $10.95
"P124" type="hidden">

Texas Bluebonnet Lupinus texensis  Texas Bluebonnet - Lupinus texensis - Perennial or biennial  (zones 5 and north, mulch heavily in winter)- Found along the roadsides in Texas, this lovely little wildflower is the state flower. Small palmate leaves and deep blue flower spikes in the spring make a lovely show when planted in groups. Does best in light, sandy soils - hates heavy clay soils. Full sun; plant height 12-18in.

#125 Packet, $3.50, Approximately 100 seeds
"125" type="hidden">
#Bz-125  Bulk  seed  1oz approx. 840 seeds  $23.00
"Bz-125" type="hidden">
#B4z-125  Bulk  seed   4oz  $33.50
"B4z-125" type="hidden">
#B1-125   Bulk  seed   1 1lb  $77.00
"B1-125" type="hidden">


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