(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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Lirodendron tulipifera Tulip tree Whitewood Yellow poplar
Tulip Tree (Tulip poplar, Whitewood, Yellow poplar) Lirodendron tulipifera - This lovely tree related to the magnolia has a tall straight, pyrimidal shape with glossy leaves and  2in. white blooms with a greenish tint in the spring.  Prefers a well drained  acidic soil.   Hardy to -20F (-28.8C); height: 90ft.
#1478  Packet   $6.50,  Approximately 50 seeds
"1478" type="hidden">
#P1478H  2-3ft. tree   $ 24.95
"P1478H" type="hidden">
#P3-1478H  (2-3ft. trees)   Three trees for $33.99
"P3-1478H" type="hidden">


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