(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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Liatris spicata Gayfeather Purple medicinal flowers perennial  Liatris, Purple  (Gayfeather) - Liatris spicata - Perennial - Medicinal - Reseeds freely. Strong spikes of deep purple flowers rise above tufts of grass-like foliage. The roots are sometimes used to brew a tea used to treat kidney diseases and sore throats. Full sun; plant height: 18-36in.
#178  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
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#Bz-178  Bulk seed   1oz  $10.89
"Bz-178" type="hidden">
#B4z-178  Bulk seed   4oz  $26.95
"B4z-178" type="hidden">
#B1-178  Bulk seed   1 lb  $75.70
"B1-178" type="hidden">
#P178    Plant  3in. pot   $12.95
"P178" type="hidden">

Liatris, White - Liatris spicata - Perennial -  Medicinal - Reseeds freely.  Spikes of white flowers on grass-like foliage.  Full sun; plant height: 18-36in.
#179  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
"179" type="hidden">
#P179   Plant  3in. pot   $12.95
"P179" type="hidden">


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