(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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American Holly ilex opaca  American Holly - Ilex opaca -  A native American holly.  Conical, slightly pyramidal open growth habit.  LAves are dark green, spiny, slightly leathery in appearance.  Growth is slow.  Small white blooms appear in the spring followed by bright red berries on the female trees.  Both male and female plants mut be present for berry production.  Food for larva of Henry's elfin butterflies.  Truly magnificent tree.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C);  height: 60ft.
#1953  Packet, $5.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
"1953" type="hidden">
#P1953  rooted cutting $24.95 each
"P1953" type="hidden">
#P3-1953  (rooted cuttings)   Three plants for $33.99
"P3-1953" type="hidden">

Blue Girl - Ilex meservaea - Shiny dark green foliage with a blue tint.  Creamy white blooms mature into heavy sets of bright red berries.  Vigorous growing, it responds well to pruning.  Hardy to -30F (-34.4C); height: 10ft.
#P2963    rooted cutting   $34.95
"P2963" type="hidden">
#P4-2963    (rooted cuttings)   Four plants for $50.95
"P4-2963" type="hidden">

Blue Boy - Ilex meservaea - Companion to Blue Girl.  Vigorous growing, it responds well to pruning.  Hardy to -30F (-34.4C); height: 10ft.
#P4905    rooted cutting   $34.95
"P4905" type="hidden">
#P4-4905    (rooted cuttings)   Four plants for $50.95
"P4-4905" type="hidden">

Chinese Holly ilex cornuta Chinese Holly - Ilex cornuta - Leathery, glossy green leaves, tipped with spines make this a difficult plant to work around, but it's a beautiful landscaping plant.  Stems and bark are smooth grey and the female plants bear red berries that remain until late winter.  Bushes are often sheared into hedges or shrubbery borders.  Both male and female plants are needed for fruit.  Can be trained into tree shape.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C);  height: 10ft.
#1950  Packet, $5.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
"2967" type="hidden">

English Holly ilex aquifolium  English Holly - Ilex aquifolium - This is the holly that has been immortalized in countless silk and plastic Christmas reproductions.  Evergreen emerald green leaves with creamy borders are serrated and arranged alternately.  Can grow into a 50ft. tree, but this takes a long time as it grows relatively slowly.  Prefers well drained soils, though it can tolerate a range of pH levels in full sun or partial shade.  Red berries appear on female plants in the late fall and persist into winter.  Hardy to -10F (-23.3C); height: 50ft.
#1948  Packet, $8.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
"1948" type="hidden">
#P1948  rooted cutting $50.95 each
"P1948" type="hidden">
#P4-1948  (rooted cuttings)   Four plants for $70.95
"P4-1948" type="hidden">

Mountain Winterberry (Mountain Holly, Largeleaf Holly)  Ilex montana - Bushy, dense deciduous shrub or small tree with smooth grey bark and toothed leaves.  The female plants bear bright orange- red berries which remain on the bush long after the leaves have fallen.  Leaves and fruits are larger than most hollies.  In the wild, the plant is found at altitudes over 5,500ft. growing under other trees.  Good wildlife food plant.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C);  height: 10ft.
#1951  Packet, $7.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
"1951" type="hidden">

Nellie Stevens - Ilex x 'Nellie Stevens' -  Female selection with shiny dark green foliage.  Vigorous medium fast growing evergreen.  Great for hedges or borders, it can become a pyramidal shaped tree without shearing. Best variety for warmer climates.  Any Liex cornuta variety can be used as a pollinizer.  Hardy to -10F (-23.3C); height: 15ft.
#P2965    rooted cutting   $24.95
"P2965" type="hidden">
#P3-2965    (rooted cuttings)   Three plants for $33.99
"P3-2965" type="hidden">

Possumhaw ilex decidua  Possumhaw - Ilex decidua - A native US deciduous holly with a loose rounded growth habit.  Leaves are light green with a light yellow fall color.  Small white flowers appear in the spring followed by  bright orange-red berries on female plants that may persist into the winter.  Prefers a well drained soil in full sun or partial shade.  Usually pollinated by Ilex opaca (see above) in the wild.   Hardy to -20F (-28.8C);  height: 30ft.
#3567  Packet, $9.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
"3567" type="hidden">

Weeping Yaupon Holly - Ilex vomitoria - Branched evergreen shrub with a loose weeping growth habit.  Deep red berries are produced in abundance in the winter.  Hardy to 0F (-17.7C); height: 10ft.
#2966    Seed packet   $7.50   approximately 100 seeds
"2966" type="hidden">
#P2966    rooted cutting   $24.95
"P2966" type="hidden">
#P3-2966    (rooted cuttings)   Three plants for $33.95
"P3-2966" type="hidden">

Winterberry ilex verticillata  Winterberry (Black Alder) - Ilex verticillata - Lovely deep green foliage, with the female producing bright red berries that remain long into the winter.  Blooms early.  Both male and female bushes are needed to produce fruit.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C); height: 6-9ft.

#1955  Packet   $11.50,  Approximately 100 seeds
"1955" type="hidden">
#P1955F  Female   rooted cutting   $34.95
"P1955F" type="hidden">
#P1955M  Male   rooted cutting   $34.95
"P1955M" type="hidden">
#P4-1955F  Female   rooted cutting   Four plants for $50.95
"P4-1955F" type="hidden">
#P4-1955M  Male   rooted cutting   Four plants for $50.95
"P4-1955M" type="hidden">

Yaupon Holly ilex vomitoria  Yaupon Holly - Ilex vomitoria - Pretty variety with a multitude of uses.  An upright evergreen srub or small tree with grey-green leathery leaves and grey bark.  Eventually develops a distinct vase shape form.  Yaupons can be trained into trees or bonsai,  shaped into topiaries, or make lovely hedges.  Cream colored blooms on female plants mature into bright red berries in the late fall.  (The latin name for the species is derived from the legendary "Black tea" mix made by native Americans as an emetic.) Male and female plants are needed to produce berries.  Hardy to 0F (-17.8C); height: 15ft.
#2967  Packet, $7.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
"2967" type="hidden">
#P2967  rooted cutting   $24.95 each
"P2967" type="hidden">
#P3-2967  rooted cutting   Three plants for $33.99
"P3-2967" type="hidden">


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