(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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American Hornbeam Carpinus caroliniana American Ironwood Blue Beech tree American Hornbeam (American Ironwood, Blue Beech)  Carpinus caroliniana - Rounded growth habit and medium shade cast with delicately shaped leaves that turn a beauiful yellow in fall. Spring brings pendulous yellow flowers that develop into nutlike seeds.  Hardy to -30F (-39.9C); height: 45ft.
#875  Packet   $10.50,   Approximately 100 seeds
"875" type="hidden">
#P875   2-3ft. seedling    $24.95
"P875" type="hidden">
#P3-875   (2-3ft. seedlings)  Three trees for $33.99
"P3-875" type="hidden">

European Hornbeam European Ironwood Carpinus betula tree European  Hornbeam (European Ironwood) - Carpinus betula - Rounded upright growth habit, a short trunk and medium shade cast. with pendulous yellow flowers in the spring and a gorgeous yellow fall color and nutlike fruits.  A good windbreak or screen tree, hornbeams prefer an open sunny location and moist loamy soil, though they are very tolerant and will do well nearly anywhere.  Hardy to -30F (-39.9C); height: 45ft.
#874  Packet   $4.50,   Approximately 100 seeds
"874" type="hidden">
#P874H   2-3ft. seedling    $24.95
"P874H" type="hidden">
#P3-874H   (2-3ft. seedlings)  Three trees for $33.99
"P3-874H" type="hidden">


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