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Kenaf (Indian Hemp) Hibiscus
cannabinus - Perennial; Of the Malvaceae
family; White
flowers with purple eye. Glossy
green leaf. The stems of this plant are fibrous and grown for animal
feed, rope, carpet backing, packaging materials, and component of
concrete and plastic products and things; Full sun;
height: 8 - 14 ft.
#5740 Packet $10.50 Approximately 30 seeds |
#Bz-5740 Bulk seed 1 oz. $50.50 |
#B1-5740 Bulk seed 1 lb. $199.50 Approximately 18,000 seeds |
Blue River II - Hibiscus coccineus - Huge single white dinner plate sized blooms (8-12"). A real show-stopper. Hardy to -30F (-34.4C); height: 5-6ft.
#P4-975 Four Plants 3inch pots $29.95 |
#P18-975 Eighteen Plants 3inch pots $59.95 |
Disco Belle (Rose Mallow)
moscheutos - Perennial; Lovely hybrid dwarf variety with large 8-9
single blooms that remain open for one day. Colors include pink,
rose, and white. Full sun;
height: 18in.
#1373 Packet $10.50 Approximately 30 seeds |
Lasiocarpus - Hibiscus lasiocarpus -
Perennial - Large 6in pink blooms
with a darker pink eye. Heart shaped leaves. Likes moist
soil. Full sun or partial shade; height: 36in.
#3468 Packet $7.50 Approximately 100 seeds |
Lord Baltimore -
Hibiscus coccineus - Gorgeous 10" bright red single
blooms that
all summer into the frost. Makes a good hedge or screen.
habit with multiple trunks. Hardy to -30F (-34.4C); height:
#P4-974 Four Plants 3inch pots $29.95 |
#P18-974 Eighteen Plants 3inch pots $59.95 |
Lady Baltimore -
Hibiscus coccineus - Pink 10" single blooms
that last
all summer into the frost. Makes a good hedge or screen.
habit with multiple trunks. Hardy to -30F (-34.4C); height:
#P4-2954 Four Plants 3inch pots $29.95 |
#P18-2954 Eighteen Plants 3inch pots $59.95 |
Pallustris Mix - Hibiscus
- Large flowering hibisicus in a mix of colors including white, pink,
rose and red. Hardy to -30F (-34.4C); height: 5-6ft.
#1370 Packet $7.50 Approximately 30 seeds |
Pink Belle - Hibiscus
militaris -
Perennial - Pink to white 6in. blooms. Does well in moist
soils. Full sun or partial shade; height: 48in.
#3989 Packet $8.50 Approximately 100 seeds |
Star of Texas - Hibiscus coccineus - This
unique variety hibiscus will
attract attention. Maple-like 5-lobed leaves and bright red
5-petal star-shaped blooms cover this shrub which can reach 8ft. in
height. Hardy to -20F (-28.8C); height: 8ft.
#1210 Packet Approximately 50 seeds $13.50 |
#P4-1210 Four Plants 3inch pots $29.95 |
#P18-1210 Eighteen Plants 3inch pots $59.95 |
Swamp Mallow - Hibiscus moscheutos
- Perennial - Large pink to white
blooms. Does well in moist conditions. Full sun or partial
shade; height: 48in.
#3344 Packet $5.50 Approximately 30 seeds |
Red Shield - Hibiscus
acetocellus - Annual -
Grown primarily for its red foliage, with dark red deeply lobed leaves
and small red flowers. Full sun or partial shade; height: 36in.
#1371 Packet $4.50 Approximately 45 seeds |
#P3-2708 Three plants 12 - 18 inch trees $21.95 |
#P10-2708 Ten plants 12 - 18 inch trees $39.95 |
#P25-2708 Twenty-five plants 12 - 18 inch trees $59.95 |
Ardens - Double purple blooms appear in profusion and
last through the
season. Upright growth habit. Hardy to -20F (-28.8C);
height: 10ft.
#P3-2707 Three plants 12 - 18 inch trees $21.95 |
#P10-2707 Ten plants 12 - 18 inch trees $39.95 |
#P25-2707 Twenty-five plants 12 - 18 inch trees $59.95 |
Big Sky - This is a single bloomed
variety of the old
favorite, usually bears blue flowers, but they can also appear as
white, purple. or red. Habit is upright with multiple
trunks. Blooms profusely in summer. Hardy to -20F
(-28.8C); height: 10ft.
#908 Packet $4.50 Approximately 100 seeds |
#B908 1 lb. seeds bulk $79.50 |
Diana - Solid snow white blooms. Upright growth
Hardy to -20F (-28.8C); height: 10ft
#P3-2958 Three plants 12 - 18 inch trees $21.95 |
#P10-2958 Ten plants 12 - 18 inch trees $39.95 |
#P25-2958 Twenty-five plants 12 - 18 inch trees $59.95 |
Double Red - Large lacy double red blooms on an
multi-trunked shrub or small tree. Hardy to -20F (-28.8C);
height: 10ft
#P3-2709 Three plants 12 - 18 inch trees $21.95 |
#P10-2709 Ten plants 12 - 18 inch trees $39.95 |
#P25-2709 Twenty-five plants 12 - 18 inch trees $59.95 |
Helene - Single white blooms have a red center.
Upright and
hardy. Hardy to -20F (-28.8C); height: 10ft.
#P2711 2-3ft. tree $18.95 |
Jeanne D'Arc - Large double white blooms on an upright
tree. Hardy to -20F (-28.8C); height: 10ft.
#P3-2710 Three plants 12 - 18 inch tree $21.95 |
#P10-2710 Ten plants 12 - 18 inch trees $39.95 |
#P25-2710 Twenty-five plants 12 - 18 inch trees $59.95 |
#B1lb-4155W Dried flowers whole 1lb $21.95 |
#B1lb-4155G Dried flower powder 1lb $21.95 |
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