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(Plant heights are given at maturity)

Gomphrena or Globe Amaranth, is one of the most easily grown annuals from seed.  It has been a favorite dried flower for centuries because it retains its color even after drying.  Because of this, the ancient Greeks considered gomphrena a symbol of immortality and later, a symbol of lasting friendship and the Victorians gave gomphrena the name "Live Forever".  Gomphrenas make wonderful bedding plants, providing a carefree show of color from spring to frost and the dried blooms can be used to create lovely dried arrangements, wreaths or candle rings.

Bicolor Rose Gomphrena gobosa Annual flower  Bicolor Rose - Gomphrena gobosa - Annual;  Pretty variety with soft lilac rose blooms with white centers.  Dries well.  Full sun; plant height: 30-36in.
#1297  Packet  $3.50  Approximately 50 seeds

Gnome Mix Gomphrena globosa Annual flower  Gnome Mix - Gomphrena globosa - Annual;  Dwarf variety that maintains a compact habit, freely bearing 1-12in. globe flowers in rose, pink, and white.  Makes a good container plant.  Full sun; plant height: 10in.
#1302  Packet  $4.50  Approximately 100 seeds

Orange Crush Gomphrena globosa Annual flower  Orange Crush - Gomphrena globosa - Annual;  1-1/2in. blooms are long-lasting orange.  Full sun; plant height: 30-36in.
#1296  Packet  $3.50  Approximately 100 seeds


Strawberry Fields Lemon grass Gomphrena haageana Annual flower   Strawberry Fields and Lemon grass
Strawberry Fields - Gomphrena haageana - Annual;  A truly red variety that retains its color faithfully.  Good as a cut or dried flower.  Full sun; plant height: 30-32in.
#409  Packet  $3.50  Approximately 100 seeds


Victorian Mix Gomphrena globosa Annual flower   Victorian Colors, Lavender and White

Victorian Colors  - Gomphrena globosa - Annual;  Very easy to grow.  Works well as a cut  flower or as a dried flower, as it retains its color after cutting for a long time.
Lavender 1299
Packet  $3.50  Approximately 100 seeds
Violet 1300
Packet  $3.50  Approximately 100 seeds
White 1301
Packet  $3.50  Approximately 100 seeds
Mix 408
Packet  $3.50  Approximately 100 seeds


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