(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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Thornless Honeylocust Gleditsia triacanthos inermis Soet Peul  Thornless Honeylocust (Soet Peul) - Gleditsia triacanthos inermis - Hardy deciduous shade tree with fernlike green foliage and fragrant white blooms in the spring, follwed by 12-18inch seed pods.  The seeds are edible and are sometimes fermented for drinking.   This particular variety has no thorns and is a long-lived tree, growing to 125ft. or more.  Seeds are produced in 7-10 years.  Medicinally, the bark was used to treat sore throats and to prepare an anesthetic.  Does best in a sunny position in loamy moist soil.  Full sun;  plant height: 125ft.
# 800  Packet  $5.50  Approximately 25 seeds
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#P800   2 - 3 ft.   Tree   $29.99
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#P5-800   (2-3ft. trees)   5 Trees for $50.95
"P5-800" type="hidden">


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