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(Plant heights are given at maturity)

Gazanias are tender perennial plants, native to South Africa, members of the Daisy family, Compositae.  They have showy bright blooms in summer and make excellent bedding or potted plants.  They may be grown as annuals in cooler climates. 

Gazanias thrive in well drained soil in a sunny location or in containers filled with loamy soil.  Large grouping produce a magnificent showing.

The plants are easily propagated by taking cuttings or sowing seed.  Seeds should be sown in pots or trays and kept moist and warm at 70-75F.  Seedlings should be transplanted to larger containers when they reach about 2 inches in height.  They may be set outdoors or in outdoor containers when all danger of frost has passed.  It takes approximately 12 weeks from planting to bloom.

gazaniadaybreak  Daybreak Mix - Gazania rigens -  The earliest flowering variety with 3inch blooms in a variety of bright colors.and bicolors in shades of yellow, white, pink, orange and bronze with silvery-green foliage.  Excellent plant for containers or bedding.  Full sun; plant height: 8inches (15 inch spread)
#1291  Packet  $3.50,  Approxiamtely 30 seeds

Starburst Mix - Gazania rigens -  Dependable mix of varying shades and colors.  3 inch blooms on compact, stocky plants with silver-green foliage.  Full sun; plant height: 10in. (18 inch spread)
#1292  Packet  $3.50,  Approxiamtely 30 seeds

Sunshine MixSunshine Mix  - Gazania rigens - Annual -  Shades of brilliant yellow, red, salmon tan and brown combine to form a tribute to summer.  Viorous plants are free flowering and extremely tolerant of hot weather. Foliage is silver-green. 
# 995  Packet   $3.50,  Approximately 30 seeds

gazaniatalent  Talent Mix - Gazania rigens - Annual -  Silvery green narrow-leaved foliage and 2-1/2 inch blooms in single colors and bicolors. Compact, dwarf plants.  Full sun; plant height: 7in.
#1293  Packet  $3.50,  Approximately 30 seeds


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