(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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Ferns provide texture and beauty and are a lovely addition to any garden.  To help you succeed with these plants, we have provided hardiness zones and the pH levels which ferns prefer.  Give them a shaded or partially shaded location with well drained soil and plenty of humus, compost, and water.  Most are tough and adaptable.

Branford Beauty - Arythrium 'Branford Beauty' -  A hybrid with silvery grey fronds held by red stems.  Forms a large clump, making a good ground cover or mass planting.   Hardy to -40F (-40C); height: 24in.
#P3827   Plant   3in. plug  $20.00
"P3827" type="hidden">
#P72-3827   Plant   72 cell tray   $169.99
"P72-3827" type="hidden">

Cinnamon - Osmunda cinnamonea - Perennial; Lovely native fern with brown leaves and scent of cinnamon.  Hardy to -40F (-40C),  pH: 4.5 to 5.5   Partial shade;  plant height: 48in.
#P400   Plant   3in. plug  $20.00
"P400" type="hidden">
#P72-400   Plant   72 cell tray   $169.99
"P72-400" type="hidden">

Ghost Fern - Arythrium x 'Ghost' - Hybrid cross between Japanese Painted fern and Lady Fern, it has frosted apple green fronds which uncurl to reveal a ghostly white color in the shade.  Stems are dark purple and upright.  The effect is stunning.  Hardy to -40F (-40C); height: 36in.
#P3826   Plant   3in. plug  $20.00
"P3826" type="hidden">
#P72-3826   Plant   72 cell tray   $169.99
"P72-3826" type="hidden">

Hay Scented - Dennesteaedia punctilobula - Perennial; Fast growing fern with the scent of hay.  Hardy to -40F (-40C), pH level 4-7  Full shade to full sun;  plant height: 24-36in.
#P401   Plant   3in. plug  $20.00
"P401" type="hidden">
#P72-401   Plant   72 cell tray   $169.99
"P72-401" type="hidden">

Japanese Painted Fern - Athyrium niponicum 'Pictum' - Perennial;   Silver grey foliage with a metalic sheen and garnet colored veins make this lacy fern a gorgeous addition to a shaded area.  For the best color, place it in light shade with a slightly acidic soil.  Hardy to -40F (-40C); height: 18in.
#P2564   Plant   3in. plug  $20.00
"P2564" type="hidden">
#P72-2564   Plant   72 cell tray   $169.99
"P72-2564" type="hidden">

Lady - Athyrium filixfemina - Perennial:  Delicate, fine foliage.  Hardy to -40F (-40C),  pH level 4-7;  plant height: 24-36in.
#P402   Plant   3in. plug  $15.00
"P402" type="hidden">
#P72-402   Plant   72 cell tray   $169.99
"P72-402" type="hidden">

Ostrich - Matteuccia pennsylvanica - Perennial:  Dark green pluming leaves.  Good variety for mass planting or specimen.  Hardy to -40F (-40C), pH level 6.5-7.5;  plant height: 72in.
#P403   Plant   3in. plug  $20.00
"P403" type="hidden">
#P72-403   Plant   72 cell tray   $169.99
"P72-403" type="hidden">


BRIDAL CREEPER Bridal Creeper Bridal Creeper (African Asparagus Fern) Asparagus asparagoides - Very unlike other asparagus varieties, this one has small rounded leaves and tiny white blooms.  Looks great in hanging baskets or containers, but can become invasive if not controlled.
#3894  Packet   $4.50  Approximately 50 seeds
"3894" type="hidden">

Plumosa - Asparagus plumosa -  Fine textured foliage on long stems with a graceful airy look.  Good filler for arrangments or an excellent potted plant.
#3405  Packet   $4.50  Approximately 50 seeds
"3405" type="hidden">

SPRENGERI Asparagus Sprengeri Sprengeri - Asparagus sprengeri -  Long bright green graceful sprays of foliage are a favorite of florists to use in arrangements.  Good container or filler plant.
#3406  Packet   $4.50  Approximately 25 seeds
"3406" type="hidden">


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