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Chicorium endivia.   For growing instructions, see Cultivation below.   For other forms of Chicorium, see chicory.

Batavian Broadleaf Escarole (85 days)  Large broad twisted leaves radiate from tightly packed 12-16 inch heads.  Heirloom.
#1273  Packet  $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds
#B1z-1273  Bulk seed, 1oz  $9.50  
#B4z-1273  Bulk seed, 4oz  $14.50  
#B1-1273  Bulk seed, 1lb  $29.50  

Green Curled Ruffec Endive  Green Curled Ruffec (85 days)  Deeply cut dark green leaves blanch to a creamy white thick heart.  Cold resistant and does not bolt easily.
#1274  Packet  $3.50,  Approximately 100 seeds
#Bz-1274   Bulk seed     1oz  $5.50
#B4z-1274   Bulk seed     4oz  $9.50
#B1-1274   Bulk seed     1lb  $18.50


Endive is a form of chicory (see also: grown for the leaves, called chicon in Europe, and regarded as a delicacy. Leaves are sometimes blanched before using to 'sweeten' the leaves. It is a a cool weather crop producing curled or frilled green leaves eaten as salad green.

Propagation is by sowing seed either directly or for transplants.  FOR TRANSPLANTS: Sow seed in trays or pots at a depth of 1/4inch.  Keep moist at 65-70F until seedlings emerge.  When the second set of true leaves appear, transplants to larger containers or space 6-9inches apart each way in a seedling bed. Transplant outdoors to a garden spot in full sun which has been dug and worked with a generous amount of compost or composted manure.   Plant one plant every 12inches in rows 18-24inches apart.  Cultivate to keep weeds down.  TO DIRECT SEED:  Sow 1 seed every 4inches in rows 18-24inches apart.  After seedlings reach about 4inches in height, thin to one plant every 12inches. Water during dry spells.  BLANCHING:  Many people prefer that endive is blanched shortly before eating to 'sweeten' the leaves.  This can be done by covering the leaves in some way to block light from reaching them.  Place flower pots, buckets or other covering over the plants about 3 weeks prior to harvesting.

HARVEST:  Leaves can be cut at any time.

SEEDS SPECS:  Average 18000 seeds per ounce



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