(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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Empress Tree Paulownia tomentosa  Empress Tree (Empress of China) - Paulownia tomentosa - Very attractive ornamental tree or shrub with fragrant deep lilac flower pannicles and large lobed margin leaves that can measure up to 2ft. across.  The blooms resemble the Empress Tree's relative, the snapdragon.  The natural growth habit is a rounded  tree.  Growth rate can be as much as 8ft. per season, making it one of the fastest growing trees available.  Hardy to -10F  (-23.3C);  height: 50ft.
#905  Packet   $6.50,  Approximately 100 seeds
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#P905H   1yr. plant   $ 34.95
"P905H" type="hidden">
#P4-905H   (1yr. plants)   Four trees for $50.95
"P4-905H" type="hidden">


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