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(Plant heights are given at maturity)

White Elm tree Water Elm White Elm (American Elm, Water Elm) - Ulmus americana - The classic American shade tree with a vase shaped growth habit and elliptical leaves.  It's not unusual to find two kinds of leaves on one tree - the usual type and some very large ones, produced by shoots on the trunks.  It is a beautiful specimen, but has been plagued in years past by Dutch Elm Disease.  Fall foliage is yellow.  Hardy to -50F (-45.5C);  height: 200ft.
#911  Packet   $5.50   Approximately 30 seeds

Cedar Elm - Ulmus crassifolia - Very adaptable tree that does well in poor or alkaline soils.  Drought tolerant.  Hardy to -10F (-23.3C); height: 80ft.
#P4296   18-24inch seedling  $19.95
#P3-4296   18-24inch seedling  Three trees for $29.99

Chinese Elm (Lacebark Elm) Ulmus parvifolia - Graceful tree with a wide rounded open crown and slightly pendulous branches.  The bark peels in patches, creating a lacy effect.  Good shade tree that is very resistant to Dutch Elm disease.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C); height: 75ft.
#3195   Packet   $7.50    Approximately 30 seeds
#P3195   2-3ft. seedling  $24.95
#P3-3195   (2-3ft. seedlings)  Three trees for $33.99

Athena Classic Hybrid Elm tree  Athena Classic Hybrid Elm - Ulmus parvifolia  - Variety that is resistant to Dutch Elm disease.  Fast growing with the same dense head and glossy green foliage as the old American Elm, but not quite as hardy to cold.   Drought tolerant and adaptable.  Autumn foliage is bronze.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C);  height 40ft.
#P4283H  2-3ft.  tree   $ 50.95
#P4-4283H  (2-3ft. trees)   Four trees for $87.95

Slippery Elm tree Moose Elm Ulmus fulva  Slippery Elm (Indian Elm, Moose Elm, Red Elm) Ulmus fulva or Ulmus rubra - mature specimen of this native American tree can reach a height of 60ft. and has a full, open shape.  In the fall, the leaves turn a dull yellow.    The inner bark is used to prepare a tea used to treat sore throats, coughs, pleurisy, stomach ulcers, and as a tonic for convalescents.  It is also one of the ingredients used in cancer treatments. Best grown in full sun or dappled shade in a moist well-drained soil, though it is very tolerant of soil types.   Hardy to -40F (-40C);  plant height: 60ft.
#P762  18-24inch  Tree     $19.95
#P3-762  (18-24inch trees)   Three trees for $29.99


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