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(Plant heights are given at maturity)
Edelweiss Leontopodium alpinum  Edelweiss - Leontopodium alpinum - Native to the alpine regions of Europe, this pretty little plant has wooly star-shaped white flowers and grows low.  Edelweiss has newly-discovered medicinal and cosmetic possiblilities.   Traditionally, it was concocted into a tea and used to treat diarrhea or cooked with butter and honey and used to treat respiratory ills.  Recently, it was discovered to contain free radicals that slow the aging process of skin and to contain bioflavonoids that strengthen the walls of veins and capillaries.   Hardy to -10F(-23.3C);  height: 8in
#761  Packet  $3.50  Approximately 100 seeds
"Edelweiss Seed Packet" type="hidden"> "761" type="hidden">
#P761    Plant  3.5 inch  pot   $5.95
"Edelweiss Plant" type="hidden"> "P761" type="hidden">


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