(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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McKanas Mixed Columbine Aquilegia vulgaris  McKanas Mixed (Butterfly flower, Fairy flower) - Aquilegia vulgaris - Perennial, reseeds freely; Delicate bi-color and solid color flowers against tri-lobed leaves. Colors range from white to purple, buff to yellow. Full sun, partial shade; plant height: 2-3ft.
#106 Packet, $3.50, Approximately 100 seeds
"106" type="hidden">

Barlow Mix Columbine Aquilegia vulgaris  Barlow Mix - Aquilegia vulgaris - Perennial, reseeds freely; Fully double, spurless blooms in a variety of colors  from white to rose to blue.  Normally flowers the second year of growth.  Full sun or partial shade; plant height 3 to 3-1/2ft.
#354 Packet $3.50, Approximately 100 seeds
"354" type="hidden">

Granny's Bonnet (Dorothy Rose) Aquilegia vulgaris - Light rose pink double blooms are arranged in a "hose in hose" pattern and hang downward, resembling a poke bonnet.  Very unusual addition to the perennial garden.
#P3265     # 1 transplant Plant     $19.99
"P3265" type="hidden">

Lime Sorbet Columbine Aquilegia vulgaris  Lime Sorbet - Aquilegia vulgaris - Perennial;  This Barlow-type columbine has creamy double blooms tinted with lime green.  Striking plant.  Full sun or partial shade;  height: 36in.
#4038   Packet  $3.50,  Approximately 50 seeds
"4038" type="hidden">

Origami Columbine  Origami - F1 Hybrid type with vibrant, intense colors.  Good cut or border flower.   Packets are $3.50 and contain Approximately 25 seeds each.
#3651    Pink & White
"3651" type="hidden">
#3576    Red & White
"3576" type="hidden">
#3577    White
"3577" type="hidden">
#3578    Yellow
"3578" type="hidden">

William Guinness Columbine aquilegia vulgaris  William Guinness - Aquilegia vulgaris - Perennial, reseeds freely;  Bicolor blooms in dark purple and white.  Dramatic touch to the garden.  Full sun or partial shade; plant height: 30in.
#1094  Packet  $3.50,  Approximately 50 seeds
"1094" type="hidden">


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