(Plant heights are given at maturity)
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Castanea mollissima Chinese Chestnut tree seeds
Chinese Chestnut - Castanea mollissima - A fast growing tree producing delicious nuts that are a favorite for roasting or boiling.  For best pollination, plant 2 or more.  Hardy to -30F (-34.4C);  height: 20-25ft.
#924  Packet     $6.50   Approximately 10 seeds
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#P924H  2 - 3 ft. tree   $ 25.95
"P924H" type="hidden">
#P3-924H  (2 - 3 ft. trees)  Three trees for $ 33.95
"P3-924H" type="hidden">

American Chestnut - Castanea dentata - At one time, millions of these great 'Kings of the Forest' grew in the Appalachian Mountains, some nearly as large as Sequoias. Most were destroyed by a blight introduced in the 1920's, and now only a handful remain. Extensive efforts are being made to save and revitalize the American Chestnut. Most trees planted only reach about 35-40ft. in height before dying. The largest known tree is in Jackson county Tennessee. Hardy to -30F (-34.4C); height: 40 ft.
#3285  Packet     $19.50   Approximately 15 seeds
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#B1-3285  Bulk seeds 1 lb.   $ 50.95
"B1-3285" type="hidden">


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