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(Plant heights are given at maturity)

Nyssa Sylvatica Black Gum TreeBlack Gum Tree  Black Gum (Pepperridge Tree, Sour Gum, Tupelo) - Nyssa sylvatica - A very ornamental variety with deep green leaves in the summer that turn a blazing red in the autumn. Flowers in early summer develop into small, dark blue oval fruits. Does best in moist, lime free soil. Hardy to -30F (-34.4C); height: 50ft.
#946     Packet   $6.50   Approximately 100 seeds
#P946   2-3ft. seeding   $24.99
#P3-946   (2-3ft. seedings)  Three trees for $33.99

Nyssa Aquatica Black Gum Tree  Water Tupelo - Nyssa aquatica -  Native American decidious species.  Trunks are swollen at the base and sometimes grow out of the soil.  Found often at the waters edge or actually growing in shallow water.  1 inch reddish purple fruit in the autumn.  Hardy to -10F (-23.3C); height: 50ft.
#2065   Packet  $4.50   Approximately 100 seeds


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