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(Plant heights are given at maturity)

Azaleas are some of the most popular and beautiful plants for the garden. Generally, they are better suited to warmer climates, though there are many varieties that will thrive in temperatures as low as -30F (-34.4C). Azaleas are members of the botanical genus Rhododendron (see our Rhododendron page for other varieties). The evergreen varieties are subgenus Tsutsusi. They originated in Japan and include many varieties and colors. The leaves are smaller than deciduous types (rarely longer than 2"). Deciduous varieties are subgenus Pentanthera and originated with native American varieties. The colors of both can range in shades of white, yellow (though there are no yellow evergreens), orange, red , pink & purple. They include many bicolors, stripes and speckled types. Blooms may be double, semi-double or single and may appear the same year after year, or may vary after a time in color and pattern. The growth habit may be upright, spreading or even weeping and they can vary in height from a foot or so up to 15ft. Most varieties are spring bloomers, though in very warm climates, they may bloom twice a year. Great for borders, as specimens or as potted plants. Try some!


Gilbralter - A compact rounded form with vivid orange blooms flushed with red.  Bloom:  Mid season   Height: 6ft.   Hardy to -20F (-34.4C)
#P2795     Plant  one year potted liner   $26.25

King's Red - Loose growth habit with bright red blooms in large clusters. Bloom: Mid season Height: 5ft. Hardy to -20F (-34.4C)
#P2796     Plant  one year potted liner   $26.25

Madame Jolly - Lavender blooms with a salmon blush. Bloom: Mid season Height: 5ft. Hardy to -20F (-34.4C)
#P2797     Plant  one year potted liner   $26.25

Mount St. Helens - Large blooms are salmon-pink with yellow highlights . Very fragrant. Upright open growth habit. Bloom: Mid season Height: 6ft. Hardy to -20F (-34.4C)
#P2798     Plant  one year potted liner   $26.25

Western Lights - Large clear pink blooms and a rounded upright habit. Bloom: Mid season Height: 5ft. Hardy to -30f (-34.4C)
#P2799     Plant  one year potted liner   $26.25

White Swan - Snowy white blooms on a compact upright shrub. Bloom: Mid season Height: 6ft. Hardy to -20F (-34.4C)
#P2800     Plant  one year potted liner   $26.25

Yellow PomPom - Bright sunshine yellow blooms are large and borne in fragrant clusters. Compact habit. Bloom: Mid season Height: 6ft. Hardy to -20F (-34.4C)
#P2801     Plant  one year potted liner   $26.25


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