Aubretia    HOW TO ORDER

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(Plant heights are given at maturity)

Aubretia (Aubrieta), or Rock Cress, are compact low growing plants perfect for rock gardens, wall gardens and for growing between stepping stones. They are members of the Mustard family (Cruciferae) and are named for Claude Aubriet, a noted French natural history artist. Often treated as biennals due to their short lived nature, they produce a profusion of spring blooms and work very well as early spring blooms in a seasonal garden.

Propagation can be performed by digging and dividing existing plants or by taking cuttings after blooming in the spring or by sowing seed. Seeds should be sown in pots, trays or a bed prepared with a medium of 1 part sphagnum peat to 1 part sand. They should be covered lightly and kept moist, but not soggy at about 70F. When seedlings are about 2 inches in height, they can be transplanted to larger containers or directly to the garden, if the temperatures do not fall below 65F. Seed can also be sown outdoors in prepared beds in late summer for blooming the following spring.

Aubretia grandiflora mix Rock Cress  Grandiflora Mix - Aubretia grandiflora - Perennial - A mix of colors on compact plants. Carmine, pink, violet and white. Partial or full sun Height: 6 inches Hardy to -30F (-34.4C)
#5523   Packet   $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds

Aubretia pinardii Mountain Pinks Rock Cress  Mountain Pinks - Aubretia pinardii - Perennial - Unusual variety. Mat forming compact plant with grey green foliage and large lilac blooms. Excellent rock garden plant. Partial or full sun Height: 6 inches Hardy to -30F (-34.4C)
#5524   Packet   $5.50   Approximately 50 seeds


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