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(Plant heights are given at maturity)

Alternantheras are tender, low growing spreading plants most often used for bedding or borders.  Native to South America, the plants belong to the Amaranth family (Amaranthacaeae).

Propagation is done by sowing seed, by taking cuttings, or by root division.  Seed should be sown in a soiless mix (1 part sphagnum peat to 1 part sand) in pots, trays or prepared beds.  Temperature should be maintained at above 65F until germination.  Seedlings can then be transplanted to larger containers, or outdoors temperatures remain above 65F.  To propagate from cuttings, remove the tips of the shoots and insert into sand or sandy soil in pots, trays or prepared beds in a greenhouse (in cooler climates) or outdoors in early spring when the temperatures remain above 65F.  Keep planting medium moist, but not soggy.  When rooted, the seedlings may be transplanted to larger containers or outdoors (if outdoor temperatures remain 65F or above).  To propagate by root division, dig existing plants, pry the roots apart into several smaller plants and transplant into containers, or outdoors in a prepared bed. 

Plants can be sheared in the summer to maintain compact growth. 

Purple Knight Alternanthera dentata Annual flower  Purple Knight - Alternanthera dentata - Annual - Foliage plant with deep purple leaves for use in bedding or containers.  Spreads to 30 inches.  Full sun or Partial shade; height: 16in.
#3260   Packet  $4.50  Approximately 20 seeds


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