Adenophora   HOW TO ORDER

These hardy, herbaceous summer blooming perennials are members of the Campanulaceae (Bellflower) family and are related to Campanulas. Natives of China, siberia and Turkey, they make excellent border or bedding plants. Varieties are propagated by sowing seed. The plants disklike being moved and should be moved as little as possible. For transplants, sow seed in pots or trays at a depth of 1/4" Keep moist at 60-65F. Transplant seedlings when they reach 2" in height to small pots, taking care not to disturb or break the roots. Transplant seedlings outdoors when all danger of frost is past, handling with care. Space seedlings 18-24" each way. Once planted, the seedlings will need little care.

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(Plant heights are given at maturity)

Adenophora bulleyana Ladybells Grand Bellflower perennial  Adenophora bulleyana (Ladybells, Grand Bellflower) - Perennial - Tall herbaceous plant with tall spikes of cornflower blue blooms forming in the late spring or early summer. Excellent bedding plant for a sunny location. Full sun or partial shade. Height: 20 inches Hardy to -40F (-40C)
#5456   Packet   $6.75   Approximately 100 seeds


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