White Leghorn
Here is a combination that offers you
a high egg production, optimal egg weight and modest feed consumption.
It means that our White Leghorns will always produce eggs for you at
minimal cost.
Egg quality is assured, and shell
strength is consistently good. Order some for great white egg
production and profits.
#CP1 Newly hatched (3
days old) (sexed F) pullets |
#BCP1 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed F) pullets $67.50 Box of 25 |
#BCS1 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks $59.95 Box of
25 |
#BCR1 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed M) cockerels $39.95 Box of 25 |

Rhode Island Reds
Another fine all
around breed that is a great brown egg producer. They are very hardy
and make a dandy small flock for layers. They also make good eating so
you have a fine all purpose flock with these Reds.
#CP3 Newly hatched (3
days old) (sexed F) pullets |
#BCP3 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed F) pullets $67.50 Box of 25 |
#BCS3 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks $59.95 Box of
25 |
#BCR3 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed M) cockerels $39.95 Box of 25 |

Barred Rocks
Always a favorite on
the farm -- for years and years. Very hardy -- a great dual purpose
breed that lays brown eggs, and they are also dandy eating birds. A
good all around breed -- try some this year.
#CP4 Newly hatched (3
days old) (sexed F) pullets |
#BCP4 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed F) pullets $67.50 Box of 25 |
#BCS4 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks $59.95 Box of
25 |
#BCR4 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed M) cockerels $39.95 Box of 25 |

White Rocks
This old-time
favorite is still one of the best brown egg layers. Their size and good
egg production make them an all time favorite.
#CP5 Newly hatched (3
days old) (sexed F) pullets |
#BCP5 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed F) pullets $67.50 Box of 25 |
#BCS5 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks $59.95 Box of
25 |
#BCR5 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed M) cockerels $39.95 Box of 25 |

Black Sex Links
Best of two breeds,
Barred Rock and Rhode Island cross. These birds are excellent egg
layers, large body size make a great dual purpose bird. Hens are black
with brown neck feathers and the males look like the Barred Rock males.
#CP6 Newly hatched (3
days old) (sexed F) pullets |
#BCP6 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed F) pullets $67.50 Box of 25 |
#BCS6 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks $59.95 Box of
25 |
#BCR6 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed M) cockerels $39.95 Box of 25 |
Red Sex Links
Excellent egg
layers, large body size, dual purpose bird.
#CP18 Newly hatched
days old) (sexed F) pullets |
#BCP18 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed F) pullets $67.50 Box of 25 |
#BCS18 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks $59.95 Box of
25 |
#BCR18 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed M) cockerels $39.95 Box of 25 |

Buff Orpingtons
An old-time favorite.
A nice quiet breed. They are a beautiful buff color. You can depend on
them as layers of lots of nice brown eggs. And don't forget -- they
make dandy fryers and roasters.
#CP7 Newly hatched (3
days old) (sexed F) pullets |
#BCP7 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed F) pullets $67.50 Box of 25 |
#BCS7 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks $59.95 Box of
25 |
#BCR7 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed M) cockerels $39.95 Box of 25 |

They are called the
Easter egg fowl because they lay colored eggs: blue, green, pink, and
olive drab. Birds vary in size and color, some with whiskers and others
with muffs of feathers covering ears.
#CP8 Newly hatched (3
days old) (sexed F) pullets |
#BCP8 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed F) pullets $67.50 Box of 25 |
#BCS8 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks $59.95 Box of
25 |
#BCR8 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed M) cockerels $39.95 Box of 25 |

Black Australorps
The Black Australorp
is a great bird. A very good brown egg layer. Also good body size which
makes this a good dual purpose bird.
#CP9 Newly hatched (3
days old) (sexed F) pullets |
#BCP9 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed F) pullets $67.50 Box of 25 |
#BCS9 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks $59.95 Box of
25 |
#BCR9 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed M) cockerels $39.95 Box of 25 |

Black Jersey Giant
The Black Jersey
is a good heavy Heritage breed. Brown egg layer with large body size
makes this a good dual purpose bird.
#CP13 Newly hatched
days old) (sexed F) pullets |
#BCP13 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed F) pullets $79.50 Box of 25 |
#BCS13 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks $69.95 Box of
25 |
#BCR13 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed M) cockerels $47.95 Box of 25 |

The Buckeye was
developed in Ohio at turn of 20th century. Brown egg layer.
#CS17 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks |
#BCS17 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks $56.95 Box of
25 |

The Dominique
is a dual purpose very old Heritage breed. Brown egg layer.
#CP16 Newly hatched
days old) (sexed F) pullets |
#BCP16 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed F) pullets $79.50 Box of 25 |
#BCS16 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks $69.95 Box of
25 |
#BCR16 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed M) cockerels $47.95 Box of 25 |

Silver Laced Wyandotte
The Silver Laced
is a Heritage breed parent variety of all Wyandottes. Brown egg layer
with large body size which
makes this a good dual purpose bird.
#CS14 Newly hatched
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks $2.95 each |
#BCP14 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed F) pullets $67.50 Box of 25 |
#BCS14 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks $59.95 Box of
25 |
#BCR14 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed M) cockerels $39.95 Box of 25 |

Welsummer is an
active large breed originally Dutch rare in U.S. Eggs are dark brown.
#CP15 Newly hatched
days old) (sexed F) pullets |
#BCP15 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed F) pullets $105.00 Box of 25 |
#BCS15 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks $95.95 Box of
25 |
#BCR15 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed M) cockerels $79.95 Box of 25 |
Bantams make
excellent farm pets and show birds. They are colorful and good setters
for small farm flocks
#CS10 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks |
#BCS10 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks $76.95 Box of
30 |
Cornish Cross
It is a quiet bird,
extremely fast growing, well-feathered and has excellent conformation.
It is fully capable of reaching a weight of 4 lbs. in 6 to 7 weeks.
They also
make excellent roasters, rapidly attaining the 7 to 8 lbs. required for
this type of bird. The pullets lay a reasonable amount of eggs for
several months if not allowed to become too fat.
#BCP12 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed F) pullets $54.95 Box of 25 |
#B4CP12 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed F) pullets $108.95 Box of 100 |
#BCS12 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks $58.95 Box of
25 |
#B4CS12 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Chicks $124.95 Box of
100 |
#BCR12 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed M) cockerels $60.95 Box of 25 |
#B4CR12 Newly hatched
(3 days old) (sexed M) cockerels $135.95 Box of 100 |

Indian Runners Ducklings
White with gray
and brown color patches. It's not too despicable to take a few of
#D1 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Ducks |
#BD1 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Ducks $52.95 Box of 15 |

Khaki Campbell Ducklings
Very good egg
laying variety.
#D4 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Ducks |
#BD4 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Ducks $52.95 Box of 15 |

Pekin Ducklings
Ducks grow to
large size, white.
#D2 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Ducks |
#BD2 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Ducks $52.95 Box of 15 |

Ducks colored
similar to Mallards.
#D3 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Ducks |
#BD3 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Ducks $52.95 Box of 15 |

Ducks raised
for meat and eggs, these black feathered birds have bright green head
and tail when the light hits just right.
#D5 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Ducks |
#BD5 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Ducks $67.95 Box of 15 |

White Emdens Goslings
#BG1 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Geese $99.95 Box of 8 |

Gray Toulouse Goslings
#BG2 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Geese $99.95 Box of 8 |

African Goslings
#BG3 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Geese $99.95 Box of 8 |

White Turkey
Broad breasted
commercial variety
#T1 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Turkey |
#BT1 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Turkey $97.95 Box of 15 |

Bronze Turkey
Largest of broad
breasted commercial breeds
#T2 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Turkey |
#BT2 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Turkey $106.95 Box of 15

Blue Slate Turkey
A very old
and rare Heritage breed. Possibly decendant of Mexican turkey
breed that was known and carried to Europe in 1500s
#T3 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Turkey |
#BT3 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Turkey $169.95 Box of 15

Narraganset Turkey
A Heritage breed
decended from turkeys that were brought back from Europe in 1600s and
crossed again with wild turkeys and older breeds in Rhode Island
#T4 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Turkey |
#BT4 Newly hatched (3
days old) (mixed sex) Straight Run Turkey $203.95 Box of 15